LIU Dandan,LI Zhigang,ZHANG Xiaoshuan,et al.Effect of Oxygen and Carbon Dioxide With Temperature on Storage Quality of ‘Red Globe’ Grape[J].Northern Horticulture,2018,42(21):142-147.[doi:10.11937/bfyy.20180804]
- Title:
- Effect of Oxygen and Carbon Dioxide With Temperature on Storage Quality of ‘Red Globe’ Grape
- Keywords:
- fresh grapes; oxygen; carbon dioxide; fresh-keeping
- 文献标志码:
- A
- 摘要:
- 以不耐SO2的新疆鲜食“红地球”葡萄为试材,从气调保鲜技术在施用过程中的作用特征入手,分析了冰温贮藏条件下不同比例浓度O2与CO2气调处理对鲜食“红地球”葡萄果实好果率、硬度、可溶性固形物含量及汁液pH等品质指标的影响,设置气调保鲜中CO2与O2浓度比例为3%O2+5%CO2+N2、3%O2+10%CO2+N2、3%O2+15%CO2+N2,为了对比试验结果,以不充入任何气体为对照(CK),利用差异性及相关性分析方法阐明了不同浓度气调处理对鲜食葡萄品质的作用效果及鲜食葡萄指标间的相关性。结果表明:与其它处理相比,3%O2+10%CO2混合气体能够使冰温贮藏过程中鲜食葡萄果实好果率和果实硬度保持在较理想水平,能够有效抑制鲜食葡萄果实中可溶性固形物含量下降及葡萄果实汁液pH的上升,贮藏过程中,葡萄果实硬度与好果率呈极显著正相关性,与果实可溶性固形物含量呈显著正相关性。因此,适宜浓度的O2与CO2混合气体能有效抑制葡萄果实硬度下降,提高鲜食葡萄果实贮藏品质。
- Abstract:
- Taking Xinjiang fresh ‘Red Globe’ grape which is not resistant to SO2 as the research object.With the characteristics of the modified atmosphere preservation technology in the application process,analyzing the effects on grapes qualities under different proportions of O2 and CO2 atmosphere with ice conditions were studied.The grapes quality indicators included good fruit rate,hardness,soluble solids content and juice pH,etc.Three different types ratios of CO2 to O2 (3%O2+5%CO2+N2,3%O2+10%CO2+N2,3%O2+15%CO2+N2) in the modified atmosphere preservation were set.To compare the experimental results,each treatment should repeat six times,with a control group not inflate gas(CK).Finally,the difference and correlation analysis methods were used to clarify the efficiency of different concentrations of the modified atmosphere on the quality of table grapes and the correlation between table grapes.The results showed that 3%O2+10% CO2 mixed gas could maintain the good fruit rate and fruit firmness of fresh grape fruit during ice storage compared with other treatments.As it effectively inhibited the solubility of table grape,decreasing the content of solids and increasing the pH of grape juice.In storage,the fruit firmness and fruit rate were significantly positively correlated,and there was a significant positive correlation with fruit soluble solid content.Therefore,an optimal concentration of O2 and CO2 mixed gas could effectively moderate the decline of grape hardness and improve the storage quality of fresh grape.
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