LIU Xiaolin,LU Yixin,LIN Xia,et al.A Preliminary Study on Mechanism of Resistance to Stem Rot in Cherry[J].Northern Horticulture,2022,(06):45-50.[doi:10.11937/bfyy.20213114]
- Title:
- A Preliminary Study on Mechanism of Resistance to Stem Rot in Cherry
- Keywords:
- cherry; resistance; variety; stem rot; Phytophthora nicotianae; resistant enzyme
- 文献标志码:
- A
- 摘要:
- 以樱桃品种‘樱砧王’‘马哈利’‘大青叶’‘桑缇娜’‘晚丰’‘艳阳’为试材,进行室内抗茎腐病测定,并对叶片厚度、表皮细胞厚度、气孔大小、感病前后超氧化物歧化酶(SOD)、过氧化物酶(POD)、过氧化氢酶(CAT)活性进行测定,研究了樱桃叶片表型及抗性酶在抗茎腐病中的作用,以期为田间种植或选育抗病品种提供参考依据。结果表明:供试的6个樱桃品种叶片厚度、表皮细胞厚度、气孔大小均有差异,但与抗性无明显相关性;樱桃被茎腐病菌侵染后,SOD、POD、CAT活性均有增加,抗病品种增加量明显高于感病品种。樱桃的叶片厚度、表皮细胞厚度、气孔与抗茎腐病无明显相关性;抗性酶SOD、POD、CAT在对茎腐病抗性中具有重要作用。
- Abstract:
- Taking cherry varieties of ‘Yingzhenwang’‘Mahaleb’ ‘Daqingye’‘Santina’‘Wanfeng’ and ‘Sunburst’ as test materials,in house assays for resistance to stem rot were performed and the leaf thickness,epidermal cell thickness,stomatal size,activities of superoxide dismutase (SOD),peroxidase (POD) and catalase (CAT) before and after infestation were determined to determine the cherry leaf phenotype and the role of resistance enzymes against stem rot.A preliminary determination of the resistance mechanism of cherry to anti stem rot disease by determining the leaf physiological and biochemical indexes of different resistant cherry varieties,in order to provide reference for field cultivation or breeding varieties.The results showed that the leaf thickness,the thickness of epidermal cells and the stomatal size of leaves of the six cherry varieties for testing were different.But there was no significant correlation between the difference and resistance.After cherry was infected by stem rot pathogen,the activities of SOD,POD and CAT increased,and the increasing of resistant varieties was significantly higher than that of susceptible varieties.The leaf thickness,epidermal cell thickness and stomata of cherry had no significant correlation with stem rot resistance;the resistant enzymes SOD,POD and CAT played an important role in the resistance to stem rot.
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