REN Chunxue,WANG Zhen,FAN Baoli,et al.Establishment of a Novel Micropropagation System Using Garlic Slice as the Explants[J].Northern Horticulture,2015,39(16):101-106.[doi:10.11937/bfyy.201516024]
- Title:
- Establishment of a Novel Micropropagation System Using Garlic Slice as the Explants
- Keywords:
- garlic micropropagation system; callus; strong buds culture
- 文献标志码:
- A
- 摘要:
- 以大蒜鳞茎片为外植体,利用植物组织培养技术,构建了一个新的大蒜微繁技术体系。结果表明:以MS+1.5 mg/L 2,4-D+0.5 mg/L KT为愈伤组织诱导和继代培养基,以MS+5 mg/L 6-BA+1.0 mg/L NAA为诱导不定芽分化培养基,增加以MS+1.0 mg/L KT+1.0 mg/L GA+0.2 mg/L NAA+2.0 mg/L 6-BA为壮芽培养基的壮芽培养过程,以基础MS培养基为生根培养基的试管苗培养体系;试管苗经过室内和田间拱棚中2次练苗,越冬前移栽到土壤中。翌年在T0代收获分瓣率高达94%再生地下鳞茎。该技术体系为脱毒蒜种扩繁提供重要保障。
- Abstract:
- Developed a novel micropropagation technology system using garlic slice as the explants by the plant tissue culture technology.The results showed that the callus induction and subculture medium were the same as MS+1.5 mg/L 2,4-D+0.5 mg/L KT;the differentiation culture medium was MS+5 mg/L 6-BA+1.0 mg/L NAA;the strong buds culture medium was MS+1.0 mg/L KT+1.0 mg/L GA+0.2 mg/L NAA+2.0 mg/L 6-BA and the rooting culture medium were the basis MS.The plantlets was trained through indoor and field for two times and transplanted to soil later under the plastic film before winter.In the T0 generation,we harvested more than 94% garlic which had two or more cloves.The technical system provided an important safeguard for the propagation of virus-free garlic.
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第一作者简介:任春雪(1990-),女,硕士研究生,研究方向为细胞遗传学。 责任作者:王振英(1965-),女,博士,教授,研究方向为植物抗性分子生物学。 基金项目:天津市农委重点资助项目(201302030);天津师范大学应用开发研究基金资助项目(52XK1210)。