LIU Na,QIN An-chen,CHEN Xue,et al.Study on the Peony’s Flowering Regulation Response to B9[J].Northern Horticulture,2014,38(10):56-60.
- Title:
Study on the Peony’s Flowering Regulation Response to B9
- 文章编号:
- 1001-0009(2014)10-0056-05
- Keywords:
- peony; B9; florescence control; response
- 分类号:
- S 685.11
- 文献标志码:
- A
- 摘要:
- 以不同牡丹品种为试材,采用露天喷施的方法,在西柏坡牡丹园,研究了不同时期喷施B9、喷施不同浓度B9和B9、PP333混合物对牡丹花期延迟和生理特性的影响,以期为延长牡丹花期和提升观赏率提供参考。结果表明:露天条件下,喷施不同浓度B9、每天喷施小浓度B9和喷施B9、PP333的混合试剂可以延长牡丹花期,调控效果与牡丹品种、试剂浓度、试验地地形地势、试验地当年气候等因素密切相关。对“洛阳红”不同时期开始喷施10 000 mg/L 的B9,花期均未延长,成花率和花径变化不规律,但小风铃期开始喷施药物成花率明显升高,圆桃期开始喷施药物花径明显增大,单花寿命呈缩短趋势;对“蓝紫魁”不同时期开始喷施10 000 mg/L的B9,立蕾期未开花,花期均未延长,花径明显增大。对“岛锦”喷施不同浓度的B9,总花期延长1.0~2.7 d,末花期延长0.4~0.6 d,明显提高了成花率和延长了单花寿命,但花径呈减小趋势,喷施10 000 mg/L 的B9延长总花期和末花期效果最显著。对“洛阳红”从立蕾期开始每天喷施不同浓度的B9总花期延长0.2~1.2 d,初花期延长0.7~1.3 d,末花期延长1.3~2.3 d,明显延长了单花寿命和增大了花径,每天喷施100 mg/L的B9延迟花期效果最显著。喷施B9与PP333配比为480∶320和280∶420的混合试剂初花期均延长2 d,明显降低了成花率和减小了花径,喷施配比为280∶420的混合试剂总花期延长3.7 d,单花寿命最长,效果最好。
- Abstract:
- With different concentrations of B9 and varieties of peony as experimental materials,using the method of open air spraying,a research on condition of response to spraying B9 at different stage,spraying different concentration of B9 and mix of B9 and PP333?on delaying Peony’s florescence and physiological property through experiment of peony florescence control in Xibaipo were carried out,in order to provide reference to delaying florescence and increasing ornamental rate.The results showed that in the open air,peony florescence could be extended when B9 in different concentration,B9 in small concentration and B9,PP333 with concentration was sprayed,the effect of florescence control by B9 was closely related to peony varieties,the reagent concentration,the terrain,topography and climate in that very year of experimental fields.Florescence could not be extended when 10 000 mg/L B9 was sprayed in different stages to ‘Luoyanghong’,which had distinctive effect on floral initial rate and the flower diameter,it could short the spend floral life,but it could evidently increased floral initial rate when 10 000 mg/L B9 was sprayed starting from small-windbell stage,the flower diameter could be evidently increased when 10 000 mg/L B9 was sprayed starting from big-windbell stage.Flowerscence could not be extended when 10 000 mg/L B9 was sprayed in different stages to ‘Lanzikui’,flowers could not open in seting up stage,it could evidently increase the flower diameter.Total florescence could be extended 1~2.7 days and the end of the florescence could be extended 0.4~0.6 days when B9 in different concentration was sprayed to ‘Daojin’,it could evidently increased floral initial rate and extend spend life,but reduce the flower diameter,which had the best effect to extend total florescence and the end of the florescence with 10 000 mg/L B9.Total florescence could be extended 0.2~1.2 days,the initial florescence could be extended 0.7~1.3 days and the end of the florescence could be extended 1.3~2.3 days when B9 in different concentration was sprayed to ‘Luoyanghong’ daily starting from seting up stage,it could evidently extend spend life and increase the flower diameter,which had the best effect to extend florescence with 100 mg/L B9.The initial florescence could be extended 2.0 days when B9 and PP333 with concentration ratio of 480∶320 and 280∶420 was sprayed,it could evidently lower floral initial rate and reduce the flower diameter,the total florescence could be extended 3.7 days when B9 and PP333 with concentration ratio of 280∶420 was sprayed,which had the best effect to extend florescence.
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