GAO Hong-xiu,ZHANG Ying.Flower Forcing Techniques of Tree Peony in Winter[J].Northern Horticulture,2014,38(06):72-75.
- Title:
- Flower Forcing Techniques of Tree Peony in Winter
- 文章编号:
- 1001-0009(2014)06-0072-04
- Keywords:
- tree peony; variety selection; during the Spring Festival; forcing culture; greenhouse culture
- 分类号:
- S 685.11
- 文献标志码:
- B
- 摘要:
- 在筛选了6个适宜春节催花的牡丹品种“洛阳红”、“肉芙蓉”、“乌龙捧盛”、“迎日红”、“赵粉”、“胡红”的基础上,于春节前60~65 d将优选的大田催花牡丹苗起苗、上盆至温室中栽培,进行剥芽、涂抹赤霉酸等催花处理,并采取一定的修剪、肥水、病虫害防治等栽培措施,从而获得在春节开花的优质盆栽牡丹。
- Abstract:
- On the basic of selecting 6 tree peony cultivars that suitable for bloom in Spring Festival by flower forcing technique including ‘Luoyanghong’,‘Roufurong’,‘Wulongpengsheng’,‘Yingrihong’,‘Zhaofen’,‘Huhong’,tree peony plants were moved from the field into the greenhouse 60~65 days before the Spring Festival and planted in pots for forcing culture.After implementing certain cultivation and management measures such as disbudding and gibberellins treatment on buds,pruning,fertilizing,watering,as well as disease and pest control,tree peony plants could blossom during the Spring Festival.
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