SHI Qian-qian,WANG Yan,ZHOU Lin,et al.Influence of Rooting Powder and Culture Substrata on Rooting of Different Traditional Cultivars of Paeonia suffruticosa[J].Northern Horticulture,2012,36(01):91-96.
- Title:
- Influence of Rooting Powder and Culture Substrata on Rooting of Different Traditional Cultivars of Paeonia suffruticosa
- 文章编号:
- 1001-0009(2012)01-0091-06
- Keywords:
- traditional cultivar of Paeonia suffruticosa; ‘ABT1’ rooting powder; substrete; cutting; rooting
- 分类号:
- S 685.11
- 文献标志码:
- A
- 摘要:
- 以菏泽地区定植的29个传统牡丹品种为试材,研究了不同基质、不同浓度的ABT1号生根粉对牡丹扦插生根的影响。结果表明:牡丹属于皮部生根类型,难生根植物;不同基质、不同浓度的ABT1号生根粉对不同牡丹传统品种扦插后的生根率、根数、根长均有不同程度的影响;扦插基质采用珍珠岩纯基质扦插效果较好,ABT1号生根粉500 mg/L浸泡插穗30 min生根质量较好;不同牡丹传统品种间也存在很大的差异,其中‘玉板白’、‘白玉’、‘蓝田玉’、‘璎珞宝珠’、‘状元红’、‘种生红’、‘十八号’、‘青山贯雪’‘洛阳红’、‘银粉金鳞’等牡丹传统品种较易生根,而‘一品朱衣’、‘姚黄’、‘赵粉’、‘小胡红’、‘盛丹炉’5个牡丹传统品种较难生根。
- Abstract:
- Effects of ‘ABT1’rooting powder and substretes on the rooting of cuttings of the 32 traditional cultivars of Paeonia suffruticosa were researched. The results showed that Paeonia suffruticosa was a group of plants which had difficult root or root types of skin. The effects of ‘ABT1’in different concentrations on rooting of uttings of the 29 traditional cultivars of Paeonia suffruticosa were sihnificant. It was suitable to take perlite as substrate;The most appropriate concentration of ABT1 rooting powder solution was 500 mg/L. Different species of traditional cultivars of Paeonia suffruticosa were significantly different on numbers of root, root length and rate of rooting.‘Yubanbai’,‘Baiyu’,‘Lantianyu’,‘Yingluo Baozhu’,‘Zhuangyuanhong’,‘Zhongshenghong’,‘Shibahao’,‘Qingshan Guanxue’,‘Luoyanghong’and‘YinfenJinlin’so on were much easilier rooting. And conversely ‘Yipin Zhuyi’,‘Yaohuang’,‘Zhaofen’,‘Xiaohuhong’ and ‘Shengdanlu’were difficultlier rooting.
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