WANG Xiang-yang,CHEN Bei-li,PAN Li-xiu,et al.Effect of Chitosan Coating Treatment on Preservation of Green Asparagus Spear During Low Temperature Storage[J].Northern Horticulture,2014,38(17):134-137.
- Title:
- Effect of Chitosan Coating Treatment on Preservation of Green Asparagus Spear During Low Temperature Storage
- 文章编号:
- 1001-0009(2014)17-0134-04
- Keywords:
- chitosan; green asparagus; storage
- 分类号:
- S661.1
- 文献标志码:
- A
- 摘要:
- 以绿芦笋为试材,研究了0.6%高分子壳聚糖(HMC)和0.6%低分子壳聚糖(LMC)对4℃条件贮藏绿芦笋的保鲜效果,测定了绿芦笋的感官品质、失重率、硬度、木质素含量、相对电导率、丙二醛含量(MDA)、叶绿素含量、维生素C含量。结果表明:0.6%HMC处理显著降低绿芦笋失重率,抑制嫩茎硬化,延缓维生素C和叶绿素降解,降低细胞膜渗漏;使绿芦笋贮藏期从21 d延长至35 d。
- Abstract:
- Taking green asparagus spear as material,the effect of 0.6% polymer chitosan (HMC) and 0.6% low molecular chitosan (LMC) coatings on preservation of green asparagus spear at 4℃ were investigated.The sensory evaluation,weight loss percentage,firmness,lignin content,relative conductivity rate,malonaldehyde (MDA),chlorophyll,vitamin C content were detected.The results showed that 0.6% HMC treatment could significantly retard the decrease of weight loss percentage and firmness,delay the degradation of ascorbic acid and chlorophyll,reduce cell leakage,extend green asparagus spear shelf life from 21 days to 35 days at 4℃.
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