GAO Feng-ju.Fresh-keeping Effect of Complex Antistaling Agent Consisted of Chitosan and Extraction from Ginger and Garlic on Fragaria ananss[J].Northern Horticulture,2012,36(13):163-166.
- Title:
- Fresh-keeping Effect of Complex Antistaling Agent Consisted of Chitosan and Extraction from Ginger and Garlic on Fragaria ananss
- 文章编号:
- 1001-0009(2012)13-0163-04
- 分类号:
- S 668.409+.3
- 文献标志码:
- A
- 摘要:
- 以草莓为材料,按壳聚糖8种浓度添加或不添加生姜大蒜提取液,构成0.5%~2.0%8个处理涂膜液,研究了室温条件下不同配比的壳聚糖与生姜大蒜提取物的复配涂膜液对果实的保鲜效果。结果表明:处理7(1.5%壳聚糖添加生姜大蒜提取物)其4 d腐烂指数最低,为1.110;贮藏期间对果实失重率抑制以处理3(1.5%壳聚糖溶液)与处理7和8(2.0%壳聚糖添加生姜大蒜提取物)的效果较为明显,分别为9.02%、6.94%、7.74%;对果实总糖和总酸含量、维生素C含量影响最小的是处理7。处理7对果实涂膜保鲜效果最好,该处理显著的抑制了果实腐烂指数和失重率的上升,延缓了果实总酸和维生素C含量的下降,且效果明显,优于其它各组处理。
- Abstract:
- With strawberry as materials,the fresh-keeping effect of compound paintfilm liquid of chitosan and extraction from ginger and garlic with different matching on fruits at room temperature was studied by using 8 kinds of paintfilm liquids included chitosn at 0.5%~2.0% with or without extraction from ginger and garlic.The results showed that rot index after 4 days in treatment 7 (1.5% chitosan with extraction from ginger and garlic) was lowest,being 1.110.The depression effects on fruitweight loss rate during storage by T3(1.5% chitosan without extraction from ginger and garlic),and T7 and T8 (1.5% and 2.0% chitosan with extraction from ginger and garlic)were more obvious,with the fruit weight loss rate being 9.02%,6.94% and 7.74% resp.T7 had littlest effect on fruit total acid content and VC content.Painting fruits with T7 compound paintfilm liquid had best fresh-keeping effect.It restrained increment of fruit rot index and weight loss rate significantly,delayed decrement of fruit total acid and VC contents and its effect was obviously better than with other treatments.
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