SU Rong-cun.Effect of Grafting Cultivation on Pepper’s Yield and Disease Resistance[J].Northern Horticulture,2012,36(01):43-44.
- Title:
- Effect of Grafting Cultivation on Pepper’s Yield and Disease Resistance
- 文章编号:
- 1001-0009(2012)01-0043-02
- Keywords:
- pepper; grafting; epidemic disease; production
- 分类号:
- S 641.304+.3
- 文献标志码:
- A
- 摘要:
- 以引自韩国的辣椒“骄珍108”为砧木,以“赤选椒王”、“洛椒7号”尖椒,“中蔬5号”、“钰禾”甜椒品种为接穗,采用劈接法嫁接,测定嫁接苗的生长势、产量和抗病性。结果表明:嫁接后甜椒和尖椒品种的生长势、产量及对疫病、枯萎病的抗性都有显著增强;“骄珍108”可以作为辣椒栽培的优良砧木在生产上加以利用,同时要在生产中和先进的栽培技术相结合,才能更好地克服连作障碍,为保护地辣椒生产服务。
- Abstract:
- Hot pepper ‘Jiaozhen 108’ introduced from Korea was used as rootstock for grafting of green pepper including ‘Chixuan peper’ and ‘Luojiao’7, sweet pepper including ‘Zhongshu No. 5’ and ‘Yuhe’ with cleft graft for evaluation of growth, yield and disease resistance. The results showed that growth, yield and resistance to epidemic disease and wilt were significantly enhanced. ‘Jiaozhen 108’ could be used as rootstock in batch production with proper cultivation techniques as a solution of continuous cropping and to serve pepper production.
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