CUI Deqin,HUANG Jinlin,LI Enbiao.Influences of Different Water Control Limit on Soil Moisture,Yield and Quality of Grape in Greenhouse[J].Northern Horticulture,2016,40(20):40-43.[doi:10.11937/bfyy.201620011]
- Title:
- Influences of Different Water Control Limit on Soil Moisture,Yield and Quality of Grape in Greenhouse
- Keywords:
- drip irrigation; grape; soil moisture; yield; quality
- 文献标志码:
- A
- 摘要:
- 以 “碧香无核” 葡萄为试材,采用U14(74)均匀设计方法,研究了生育期不同灌水上限和灌水量对葡萄田间土壤水分动态、产量和品质的影响,以期探索吉林地区设施滴灌条件下适宜葡萄各生育期生长的灌水上限。结果表明:土壤含水率在葡萄新梢生长期、果实膨大期、果实成熟期变化趋势基本一致,各处理根层(0~20 cm)土壤含水量变化较大,随着生育进程的推进逐渐趋于稳定但差别仍较大;处理Ⅴ(灌水量为462.9 mm)产量最低(2 333.3 kg?hm-2),其余各处理较对照(CK)增产显著,处理Ⅳ(灌水量为755.0 mm)增产效果最好,其次为处理Ⅰ(759.0 mm),产量分别比CK提高了73.1%和72.0%;不同处理间的可溶性糖和可溶性蛋白质含量差异不显著,可溶性糖含量处理Ⅴ最高,处理Ⅳ次之;维生素C含量处理Ⅰ最高,处理Ⅳ次之,CK(100%FC)最低。综合分析,处理Ⅳ即萌芽展叶期75%FC、新梢生长期60%FC、果实膨大期85%FC、果实成熟期70%FC时有利于葡萄产量的增加和品质的提高。
- Abstract:
- Taking‘Bixiang Seedless’ grape as test material,the U14(74) principle of uniform design was used to set up the experimental programs to study the effects of irrigation upper limit and irrigation water amount on soil water dynamics and yield and quality in order to explore the best irrigation upper limit for the growth of grape in plastic greenhouse in Jilin.The results showed that the soil moisture content in the grape growing of new shoot period,developing fruit period,fruit ripe period had almost the same change trend,root layer (0-20 cm) soil moisture content change was bigger,then tended to be stable gradually but the difference was larger with the advancement of growth period;treatment Ⅴ irrigation amount 462.9 mm yield was the lowest (2 333.3 kg?hm-2),the rest of the various treatments increased significantly than CK,the highest yield appeared in Ⅳ treatment (irrigation water 755.0 mm) and followed by treatment Ⅰ (irrigation amount 759.0 mm),by 73.1% and 72.0% higher than that of CK respectively;the content of soluble sugar and soluble protein between different treatments had not significant difference,the soluble sugar content was the highest in treatment Ⅴ and followed by treatment Ⅳ;the vitamin C content was the highest in treatment Ⅰ and followed by treatment Ⅳ,CK was the lowest.To sum up,the treatment Ⅳ of sprout leaves period 75%FC,new shoot period 60%FC,developing fruit period 85%FC,fruit ripe period 70%FC was beneficial to the improvement of the yield and quality.
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