CUI Hualei,LIU Xingju,ZHAO Sisi,et al.Genetic Diversity of SSR Analysis of Prunus armeniaca Cultivars Based on Maturity[J].Northern Horticulture,2016,40(12):106-111.[doi:10.11937/bfyy.201612026]
- Title:
- Genetic Diversity of SSR Analysis of Prunus armeniaca Cultivars Based on Maturity
- 关键词:
- 杏; 简单重复序列(SSR); 成熟期; 遗传多样性
- 文献标志码:
- A
- 摘要:
- 以168份杏育成品种为试材,采用SSR分子标记方法,利用16对多态性好、稳定性强、带型清晰的特征引物,扩增等位基因,研究了不同杏树不同群体的遗传多样性,以期为杏种质资源鉴定和品种亲缘关系分析在分子水平上提供依据。结果表明:杏群体的Nei’s基因多样度平均值为0.715 8,Shannon遗传表型指数为1.497 3,说明杏的总体遗传变异偏高,品种多样性丰富。通过对杏的成熟期进行遗传分析,结果发现,早熟和中熟2个类群的遗传数据相近,推测可能存在相近的遗传关系,晚熟与早熟类群等位基因数据差异较大,说明二者亲缘关系较远。
- Abstract:
- In order to provide an evidence at the molecular level about resources identification and genetic relationship analysis of Prunus armeniaca L. varieties.The study which used the method of SSR molecular markers was made to analyze the genetic diversity of different apricot trees and different groups.168 Prunus armeniaca L. varieties were used as experimental materials and 16 pairs of primers were used as specific primers for good polymorphism,strong stability and clear stripe.The results showed that,apricot had a relatively high level of genetic diversity and rich species diversity at population level which indicated by the average Nei’s gene diversity 0.715 8 and Shannon index 1.497 3,which could be got that the genetic data of precocious and medium groups were similar and there might be a close genetic relationship between them through the genetic analysis about Prunus armeniaca L. maturity.On the contrary,the large data differences between precocious and serotinous groups showed that the genetic relationship were distant.
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