LIU Zhe,CHEN Xiaolin,HAN Yongzhong.Research on Ginseng Rust Rot Pathogen Under Natural Overwintering Conditions[J].Northern Horticulture,2017,41(03):160-163.[doi:10.11937/bfyy.201703037]
- Title:
- Research on Ginseng Rust Rot Pathogen Under Natural Overwintering Conditions
- Keywords:
- ginseng; rust rot pathogens; natural overwintering; number of spore
- 文献标志码:
- A
- 摘要:
- 以人参锈腐病病原菌为试材,将人参锈腐病病原菌侵染的土样分别填埋至5~25 cm土层中,研究其在不同深度土层中自然越冬情况。结果表明:自然越冬后各层锈腐病病原菌均有一定浓度的存活,且病原菌存活率随土层加深而升高。
- Abstract:
- Taking ginseng rust rot pathogens as the test materials,the natural overwintering in different depth soil layers was studied.The soil samples infected with the pathogen of ginseng rust were respectively buried in 5-25 cm soil layer,and to be after the winter the number of pathogenic bacteria in the soil was measured.The results showed that after the natural winter the living rust rot pathogens had a certain concentration in different depth soil layers,and the survival rate of rust rot pathogen increased with soil depth.
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