YAN Peiyu,LIU Shouwei,PAN Kai,et al.Effects of Different Plant Growth Regulators on Fruit Setting Rate, Appearance Quality and Yield of Winter-spring Tomato[J].Northern Horticulture,2017,41(15):66-71.[doi:10.11937/bfyy.20170194]
- Title:
- Effects of Different Plant Growth Regulators on Fruit Setting Rate, Appearance Quality and Yield of Winter-spring Tomato
- Keywords:
- winter-spring; tomato; plant growth regulators
- 文献标志码:
- A
- 摘要:
- 以番茄“东农722”为试材,选取8种植物生长调节剂,分别为番茄灵、坐果胶囊、2,4-D、丰产剂2号、膨果王、硼肥、植物精华素和坐果膨大剂,以清水为对照。研究了不同植物生长调节剂对番茄生育期、坐果率、畸形果率及番茄果实外观品质、产量的影响,以期筛选出较适合温室冬春茬番茄生长的植物生长调节剂。结果表明:与对照相比,施用不同植物生长调节剂均能使番茄提前采收,各处理均在一定程度上提高了番茄的坐果率,增加番茄的前期产量和总产量。丰产剂2号处理的番茄坐果、转色及开始采收的时间均早于其它处理,始收期较对照提前6 d。番茄灵、坐果胶囊、2,4-D和丰产剂2号处理的番茄第1穗果坐果率均为100.00%,显著高于对照,坐果胶囊、丰产剂2号处理的第2穗果坐果率较高,分别为100.00%、97.22%,丰产剂2号处理的第3、4穗果的坐果率均高于其它处理。各处理间及各处理与对照间的第1、2、4穗果的畸形果率均差异不显著。各处理间及各处理与对照间的果形指数均无显著差异,其中膨果王、硼肥处理的果形指数较大,均为0.85。丰产剂2号处理的667 m2前期产量及总产量较高,分别为2 934.12、5 987.99 kg,显著高于对照,其次是番茄灵处理。综上,丰产剂2号处理的番茄坐果期、转色期及始收期均早于其它处理,且坐果率较高,畸形果率较低,单果质量较大,并能有效提高番茄的667 m2前期产量和总产量。
- Abstract:
- ‘Dongnong722’ tomato was used as material,eight kinds of plant growth regulators which were PCPA,Fruit capsule,2,4-D,Fengchanji No.2,Swell king,Boron fertilizer,Plant essence and Fruit swell agent were selected to study what influences of different plant growth regulators on growth period of tomato,fruit setting rate,deformity fruit rates,appearance quality and yield.The results showed that the treatments of different plant growth regulators could make harvest time in advance,improve the tomato fruit setting rates and increase the pre-yield and total yield to a certian extent compared with the control.For Fengchanji No.2,the stage of fruit setting,color change and harvest were earlier than other treatments and the harvest data was six days in advance than control.For the first fruit of PCPA,Fruit capsule,2,4-D and Fengchanji No.2,the fruit setting rate were all 100.00%,which were significantly higher than the control.The fruit setting rates of Fruit capsule and Fengchanji No.2 were relatively higher for the second fruit and were 100.00%,97.22% respectively.For the third and forth fruit,the fruit setting rates of Fengchanji No.2 was higher than other treatments.The deformity fruit rates of the first,second and forth fruit were no significant differences among treatments.The fruit shape indexes of Swell King and Boron fertilizer were 0.85,which were higher than other treatments and there were no significant differences among treatments.,their shape were all close to circular.The 667 m2 pre-yield and 667 m2 total yield of Fengchanji No.2 were higher than other treatments and were 2 934.12 kg,5 987.99 kg respectively,which were significantly higher than control.PCPA was slightly lower than Fengchanji No.2.The results showed that Fengchanji No.2 stage of fruit setting, color change and harvest were earlier than other treatments, and it was higher fruit setting rates,lower deformity fruit rates, but could effectively improve 667 m2 the pre-yield and total yield effectively.
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