WANG Xiaofeng,YANG Guang,GAO Wen,et al.Breeding and the Cultivation Technique on a New Pink Tomato F1 Hybrid With Resistance to TYLCV-‘Aomeini’[J].Northern Horticulture,2016,40(07):151-154.[doi:10.11937/bfyy.201607038]
- Title:
- Breeding and the Cultivation Technique on a New Pink Tomato F1 Hybrid With Resistance to TYLCV-‘Aomeini’
- Keywords:
- tomato; resistance to TYLCV; pink fruit; hybrid
- 文献标志码:
- A
- 摘要:
- “奥美妮”是以TM09B117自交系为母本,TM09B236自交系为父本配制而成的番茄一代杂交种。植株为无限生长类型,长势健壮,中熟。成熟果实粉红色、扁圆形、无绿果肩,果面光滑,有光泽,平均单果质量220 g左右。畸裂果少,果实可溶性固形物含量为4.6%。抗TYLCV,耐病毒病和叶霉病。适宜早春,秋延日光温室及塑料大棚等保护地栽培。
- Abstract:
- ‘Aomeini’ is a new pink F1 tomato hybrid using the inbred line ‘TM09B117’ as female line and the inbred line ‘TM09B236’ as male line.It is indeterminate growth type,strong growth vigor,medium maturity.The fruit is pink,oblate,no green shoulder.The surface is smooth with glossiness.The average weight of the fruit is nearly 220 g.The deformity rate and dehiscent rate are very low.The content of soluble solid is 4.6%.It has resistance to TYLCV,tolerance to TMV and leaf mildew.It is suitable for protected cultivation in green house during early-spring and late-autumn and plastic tunnel.
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第一作者简介:王晓峰(1984-),男,硕士,助理研究员,现主要从事番茄品种选育等研究工作。 责任作者:张青(1971-),女,硕士,副研究员,现主要从事蔬菜品种选育与栽培展示等研究工作。