HOU Xiang-bao,WEI Feng,KONG Fan-cheng.Highly Effective Cultivation Technology of Agaricus Bisporus and Straw Mushroom by Annual Rotation[J].Northern Horticulture,2014,38(10):143-145.
- Title:
- Highly Effective Cultivation Technology of Agaricus Bisporus and Straw Mushroom by Annual Rotation
- 文章编号:
- 1001-0009(2014)10-0143-03
- Keywords:
- agaricus bisporus; straw mushroom; rotation; high production
- 分类号:
- S 646.1+3
- 文献标志码:
- B
- 摘要:
- 依据双孢菇和草菇的生物学共性,通过周年轮作双孢菇、草菇,菌糠循环使用,基础设施常年不闲的生产实践,总结了菇房两菇轮作高产的新技术,开发了食用菌产业生产的新模式,提高了经济效益,以均衡徐州地区的农业发展现状。
- Abstract:
- Based on the biological characteristics of agaricus bisporus and straw mushroom,a new highly effective cultivation technology of agaricus bisporus and straw mushroom was developed by annual rotation recycling usage of fungus chaff and long-year productive practice.It would promote new mode of edible fungi industrial production and economic efficiency in Xuzhou area.
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