MA Hongyu,ZHU Guosheng,GUI Yang,et al.Effects of Matrix Moisture Content on the Morphology and Physiology of the Phallus rubrovolvatus Mycelium[J].Northern Horticulture,2024,(17):109-118.[doi:10.11937/bfyy.20240517]
- Title:
- Effects of Matrix Moisture Content on the Morphology and Physiology of the Phallus rubrovolvatus Mycelium
- 文章编号:
- 1001-0009(2024)17-0109-10
- 分类号:
- S 646
- 文献标志码:
- A
- 摘要:
- 以63个典型红托竹荪菌株为试材,采用40%、50%、60%和70%不同含水量基质处理方法,研究了不同含水量处理对各菌株菌丝体的生长速度、形态特征及生理指标的影响,以期筛选出具有抗旱特点的菌株。结果表明:基质含水量40%和50%为干旱条件,菌丝体萌发率低,且生长缓慢、稀疏细弱;基质含水量60%较适宜菌丝生长,菌丝体萌发率高且萌发时间短,长势旺盛;基质含水量70%为稍涝条件,菌丝体虽萌发早,但生长不均匀,杂菌感染率上升。对筛选得出的2株耐旱品种ZS57和ZS59进行生理生化检测,菌株ZS57在干旱胁迫时更多更迅速的积累可溶性糖(SS),其次是可溶性蛋白质(SP)及脯氨酸(Pro)来应对干旱导致的膜损伤和渗透压失衡;菌株ZS59则更迅速的积累SP应对干旱。在抗氧化系统方面,2个菌株均是主要增加超氧化物歧化酶(SOD)活性,其次是过氧化物酶(POD)、过氧化氢酶(CAT)和还原型谷胱甘肽(GSH)活性,以减少活性氧对细胞的损伤。
- Abstract:
- Taking 63 typical Phallus rubrovolvatus strains as the test materials,the water content of substrate was set as 40%,50%,60% and 70%,the effects of different water content treatments on the growth rate,morphological characteristics and physiological indexes of mycelium were studied,in order to screen out strains with drought resistance.The results showed that the water content of substrate was 40% and 50%,and the germination rate of mycelium was low,and the growth was slow,sparse and weak.When the water content of the substrate was 60%,it was suitable for mycelium growth,with high germination rate,short time and vigorous growth.70% of the water content of the substrate was slightly waterlogged.Although the mycelium germinated early,its growth was uneven and the infection rate of miscellaneous bacteria increased.Physiological and biochemical tests were carried out on two drought-tolerant varieties ZS57 and ZS59.The results showed that ZS57 accumulated more soluble sugar (SS) and then soluble protein (SP) and proline (Pro) to cope with membrane damage and osmotic pressure imbalance caused by drought.Strain ZS59 accumulated SP more quickly to cope with drought.In terms of antioxidant system,both strains mainly increased the activity of superoxide dismutase (SOD),followed by peroxidase (POD),catalase (CAT) and reduced glutathione (GSH) to reduce the damage of reactive oxygen species to cells.
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