LIU Xiaowen,FAN Guanghui,ZHANG Defang,et al.Effects of Hedgerow Cultivation on Leaf and Fruit Phenotypic and Yield of Lycium barbarum L.[J].Northern Horticulture,2021,(01):122-126.[doi:10.11937/bfyy.20194901]
- Title:
- Effects of Hedgerow Cultivation on Leaf and Fruit Phenotypic and Yield of Lycium barbarum L.
- Keywords:
- Lycium barbarum L.; hedgerow frame cultivation; traditional cultivation; morphological variation
- 文献标志码:
- A
- 摘要:
- 以“宁杞7号”枸杞为试材,对篱架栽培模式下枸杞叶片、果实形态特征进行了调查分析,研究了枸杞篱架栽培后叶片、果实形态特征及产量变化,以期为枸杞篱架栽培模式提供参考依据。结果表明:相比传统栽培模式,篱架栽培模式下枸杞平均叶长、叶宽、叶柄长分别比传统栽培模式增大3.98、2.08、1.75 mm;叶厚及叶鲜质量分别增加1.29倍和1.13倍;平均鲜果纵径、果形指数、单果鲜质量、单株干果产量分别增大3.33 mm、0.29、0.19 g、562 g;鲜果纵径、果形指数分别增加1.88倍和1.64倍;单株干果产量增加1.62倍。表明篱架栽培模式明显使枸杞叶片变大增厚,果实颗粒饱满,单株产量增加,有利于枸杞产量的提高。
- Abstract:
- Taking ‘Ningqi No.7’ as the test material,the morphological characteristics of leaf and fruit of Lycium barbarum L.under the hedgerow frame cultivation mode were investigated and analyzed,and the morphological characteristics of leaf and fruit and the change of yield of Lycium barbarum L.were studied,in order to provide reference for the hedgerow frame cultivation pattern of Lycium barbarum L..The results showed that compared with the traditional cultivation mode,the average leaf length,leaf width and petiolar length of Lycium barbarum L.increased by 3.98 mm,2.08 mm and 1.75 mm;the leaf thickness and leaf fresh weight increased by 1.29 times and 1.13 times.The longitudinal diameter of fresh fruit,shape index,fresh weight of single fruit and yield of dried fruit increased by 3.33 mm,0.29,0.19 g and 562 g;the longitudinal diameter and shape index of fresh fruit increased by 1.88 times and 1.64 times,respectively.The yield of dried fruit per plant increased by 1.62 times.The results showed that the hedgerow frame cultivation mode significantly increased the leaf thickness of Lycium barbarum L.,the fruit grains were full,and the yield per plant increased,which was conducive to the increase of the yield of Lycium barbarum L..
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