LIU Wei,YANG Ru-zhen,LI Zi-wei,et al.Optimization of Polyphenol From Xinjiang Wild Plum Flesh Using Response Surface Methodology[J].Northern Horticulture,2014,38(04):123-126.
- Title:
- Optimization of Polyphenol From Xinjiang Wild Plum Flesh Using Response Surface Methodology
- 文章编号:
- 1001-0009(2014)04-0123-04
- 分类号:
- S 663.9
- 文献标志码:
- A
- 摘要:
- 以新疆野酸梅果肉为原料,以多酚提取量为指标,在单因素试验基础上,采用3因素3水平的Box-Benhnken试验设计优〖JP2〗化新疆野酸梅果肉多酚提取工艺。结果表明:新疆野酸梅果肉多酚最佳提取工艺为乙醇体积分数39%,料液比1∶35 g/mL,提取温度63.1℃,提取时间90 min,多酚提取量为13.89 mg/g,与理论预测值(13.96 mg/g)相符合。表明响应面法用于优化野酸梅果肉多酚提取工艺稳定、可行。
- Abstract:
- With Xinjiang wild plum flesh as raw material,the optimum conditions for the extraction of polyphenol from it were determined using response surface methodology.With the yield of polyphenol as the index,the Box-Benhnken experimental design with three factors and three levels was used to optimize the extraction conditions on the basis of preliminary experimental results.The results showed that the optimal conditions for maximum polyphenol yield (13.89 mg/g) were 39% ethanol,63.1℃ and 1∶35 g/mL solid-liquid ratio for 90 min.Under these conditions,the maximum predicted extraction yield (13.96 mg/g) was in good agreement with its experimental counterpart.It suggested that response surface methodology for optimization of polyphenol from wild plum flesh was stable and reliable.
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