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Resistance of Some Navel Orange Varieties to Canker Disease in Gannan Region


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Resistance of Some Navel Orange Varieties to Canker Disease in Gannan Region
LYU ShupingMI LanfangWANG XuexiongWANG AiyunZHONG Balian
(College of Life Sciences/National Navel Orange Engineering Research Center,Gannan Normal University,Ganzhou,Jiangxi 341000)
Gannannavel orangecankerresistance
Several navel orange cultivars were used as test materials to inoculate canker bacteria by acupuncture in vitro and in vivo,the resistance of different cultivars and different rootstock-scion combinations by observing incidence and exterminating physiological indexes were studied,in order to screen out navel orange rootstock-spike combinations with better stress resistance and provide reference basis for screening and identification of navel orange germplasm resources resistant to canker in Gannan region.The results showed that the ideal inoculation concentration was about 8.4×107 cfu·mL-1;The relative incidence of ‘Newhall’ navel orange was about 88%-96%,and the highest,it indicated that it had weak resistance to canker.‘Washington’navel orange had the lowest relative incidence,about 36%-57%,which showed that it had a strong resistance to canker disease;Compared with different rootstock-scion combinations,the incidence of citrange as rootstock was lower than that of trifoliate orange as rootstock,indicating that the tolerance of citrange as rootstock was stronger than that trifoliate orange as rootstock.The resistance of citrus to canker was negatively correlated with leaf water content,correlation coefficient was R2=-0.948;the resistance of citrus to canker was negatively correlated with the content of malondialdehyde (MDA),correlation coefficient was R2=-0.887.


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Last Update: 2020-07-03