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Effects of Different Irrigation Quantity on Fruit Quality of Jinghai Ziziphus jujube


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Effects of Different Irrigation Quantity on Fruit Quality of Jinghai Ziziphus jujube
REN Xiaoqin1MENG Jie1CHEN Yuanshun1YANG Jinghui1LI Bing2ZHANG Chao3
(1.College of Horticulture and Landscape Architecture,Tianjin University of Agriculture,Tianjin 300384;2.Institute of Resources and Environment,Tianjin Academy of Agricultural Sciences,Tianjin 300384;3.Tianjin Shuofang Green Technology Development Co.Ltd.,Tianjin 300384)
Ziziphus jujubeirrigation amountfruit qualitycorrelationmembership function
Taking two-year-old Dongzao fruits in Jinghai District of Tianjin as experimental materials,high and low irrigation methods were used,the effects of different irrigation amounts on the quality of Dongzao fruits were studied,in order to provide reference for the cultivation and management of Dongzao.The results showed that in terms of internal fruit quality,the water content,soluble solids,and titratable acid contents of the fruits treated with high water were the highest,which were 69.15%,29.78%,and 0.27%.The contents of soluble protein,vitamin C,and soluble sugars in the middle water treatment were the highest content,which were 6.81 mg?g-1,411.66 mg?(100g)-1,26.30 mg?g-1.Compared with the medium water treatment,the soluble protein content of Dongzao decreased by 23.8%,the vitamin C content decreased by 15.4%,and the soluble sugar content decreased by 18.9%.However,the fruit water content,soluble solids and titratable acid content decreased not significantly.In terms of the external quality of the fruit,the quality of the single fruit,the transverse diameter and the longitudinal diameter of the Dongzao fruit treated with medium water were the largest,which were 22.84 g,36.57 mm,and 35.43 mm,which were significantly higher than other treatments.The fruit hardness and fruit shape index were not significantly different.According to the correlation,the irrigation volume had a significant positive correlation with the fruit type index;it had a very significant positive correlation with the fruit water content,soluble solid content,and titratable acid content.The comprehensive analysis of membership function showed that under different irrigation treatments,the quality of Dongzao under the middle water treatment was the best,followed by the low water treatment,and the fruit quality of the Dongzao under the high water treatment was the worst.Therefore,proper water control could improve the fruit quality of jujube trees.


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Last Update: 2021-08-06