LIU Ziwei,WU Yan,WANG Zhengjian.Discussion on the Lack of Planning and Design of Scenic Spots in China From the Perspective of Ecological Civilization[J].Northern Horticulture,2019,43(11):164-169.[doi:10.11937/bfyy.20191206]
- Title:
- Discussion on the Lack of Planning and Design of Scenic Spots in China From the Perspective of Ecological Civilization
- 文献标志码:
- A
- 摘要:
- 从生态文明视角出发,通过问卷调查的形式,对我国风景区规划设计缺失环节进行探讨,提出风景区规划设计中应增加环境教育这一关键环节,并从环境教育的景观资源分类、功能分区、自导式解说游步道、体验活动、环境解说系统设计及环境教育管理机制等方面提出具体规划措施,对保护风景区自然景观及人文景观资源,实现景区生态旅游可持续发展具有一定的借鉴意义。
- Abstract:
- From the perspective of ecological civilization,through the form of questionnaire survey,the missing links in the planning and design of scenic spots in China was discussed,and adding the key link of environmental education in the planning and design of scenic spots was proposed,such as the classification and function of landscape resources,partial planning,self-guided commentary trails,experience activities,environmental commentary system design and environmental education management mechanism. It has certain reference significance for protecting the natural and social landscape resources of scenic spots and realizing the sustainable development of eco-tourism in scenic spots.
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