YUAN Ruijiang,WANG Liqiao,XUE Shaohong,et al.Breeding of Welsh Onion Male Sterility Line 353A[J].Northern Horticulture,2019,43(08):190-192.[doi:10.11937/bfyy.20183819]
- Title:
- Breeding of Welsh Onion Male Sterility Line 353A
- Keywords:
- Chinese green onion; male sterility line; breeding
- 文献标志码:
- A
- 摘要:
- 以常规品种‘青叶1号’繁种田中发现的大葱不育株为不育源,利用回交转育法选育出稳定的不育系353A和相应保持系353B,该不育系的不育株率、不育度均接近100%,353A、353B授粉后结实正常,以353A为母本配制的杂交组合表现出很强的抗逆性及产量优势,为大葱种质资源的创新及杂种优势的利用奠定了一定基础。
- Abstract:
- The Chinese onion male sterile materials which were found in the traditional variety ‘Qingye No.1’ were used,to select the stable male sterile line 353A and its maintainer line 353B by the backcross breeding method,the male-sterile rate and the degree of sterile plant were both approach 100%, and using 353B to pollinate 353A could make it normal seed. The hybrid combinations with 353A as female parent showed strong resistance and yield advantage.The breeding of new male sterile lines laid a foundation for the innovation of Chinese onion germplasm resources and heterosis utilization.
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第一作者简介:袁瑞江(1973-),男,本科,推广研究员,现主要从事大葱和洋葱育种及栽培技术等研究工作。 E-mail:yrj208@126.com.责任作者:安进军(1972-),男,本科,高级农艺师,现主要从事大葱育种栽培技术等研究工作。 E-mail:sjznkywlq@163.com.基金项目:国家现代农业产业技术体系专项资金资助项目(CARS-24-G-01);河北省科技支撑资助项目(16226304D)。收稿日期:2018-12-03