LIANG Fangfang,YUAN Junshui,SHEN Aimin.Selection of a Dry-hot Pepper Cultivar ‘Wangtianhong Number 1’[J].Northern Horticulture,2018,42(01):208-210.[doi:10.11937/bfyy.20171704]
- Title:
- Selection of a Dry-hot Pepper Cultivar ‘Wangtianhong Number 1’
- Keywords:
- hot pepper; cultivar; the nuclear male sterility
- 文献标志码:
- A
- 摘要:
- “望天红1号”是利用辣椒雄性不育基因育成的簇生朝天椒杂交品种,中早熟。株高65 cm,株幅45 cm,始花节位19~20节,果长5~6 cm,粗0.8~1.2 cm,单果质量2.5~3.5 g,辣味浓,辣椒素含量1 720 mg ? kg-1。易干制,干椒紫红色,光泽度好,坐果习性为6~8个果簇生,单株坐果186个左右,667 m2产鲜椒1 500~2 000 kg,干椒364 kg以上,该品种抗病力强,丰产、稳产性好,比一般常规农家品种增产30%~50%。适合华北地区春露地或麦田套种栽培,其它地区种植需引种试种后再大面积推广。
- Abstract:
- ‘ Wangtianhong Number 1’ is a new mid-maturing dry-hot pepper cultivar which is bred by the nuclear male sterility.It grows vigorously and compactly.The fruit is short claw-shaped.The ripe fruit is deep red,which has very good commercial quality.Its flavor is spicy.It also has fine fruit-setting ability with 186 fruits per plant.Its fruit is 5-6 cm long and 0.8-1.2 cm wide separately.The mass of single fruit is 2.5-3.5 g.The content of capsaicin is 1 720 mg?kg-1.It is not only resistant to virus diseases,phytophthora blight and fusarrium wilt,but also resistant to lodging.The yield of dry hot pepper is 1 500-2 000 kg each 667 m2.It is suitable to be cultivated in northern China like Henan.
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