WANG Fengwei,MAO Zhuxin,CHEN Zhikun,et al.Comparison and Correlational Research of Scutellaria baicalensis Seeds From Different Counties[J].Northern Horticulture,2016,40(22):156-159.[doi:10.11937/bfyy.201622039]
- Title:
- Comparison and Correlational Research of Scutellaria baicalensis Seeds From Different Counties
- 文献标志码:
- A
- 摘要:
- 以从山西、甘肃、山东、河北、陕西收集的18份黄芩种子为试材,对其净度、千粒质量、发芽率、发芽势指标进行了对比研究,确定了黄芩种子的质量分级标准。结果表明:Ⅰ级黄芩种子的发芽率不低于80%,千粒质量不低于1.700 g,净度不低于95%;Ⅱ级黄芩种子的发芽率不低于70%,千粒质量不低于1.600 g;Ⅲ级种子的发芽率不低于60%,千粒质量不低于1.500 g,净度不低于80%。
- Abstract:
- Comparison of the purity,1 000-grain weight,germination potential and germination percentage were studied among 18 different sources of seeds from five provinces of Shanxi,Gansu,Shandong,Hebei and Shaanxi so as to establish the quality classification standard of S.baicalensis.The results showed that the first level S.baicalensis seeds germination percentage was over 80%,1 000-grain weight was over 1.700 g,purity was over 95%;the second level S.baicalensis seeds germination percentage was over 70%,1 000-grain weight was over 1.600 g,purity was over 90%;the third level S.baicalensis seeds germination rate was over 60%,1 000-grain weight was over 1.500 g,purity was over 80%.
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