CHEN Menghua,JIN Lixin,ZHAO Dan,et al.Study on Pollen Physiological Characteristics in Juglans hopeiensis Hu and Juglans regia[J].Northern Horticulture,2015,39(23):42-44.[doi:10.11937/bfyy.201523012]
- Title:
- Study on Pollen Physiological Characteristics in Juglans hopeiensis Hu and Juglans regia
- Keywords:
- Juglans hopeiensis Hu; Juglans regia; pollen; viability; protein; enzyme activity
- 文献标志码:
- A
- 摘要:
- 以涞水县郭各庄村4个麻核桃品种和2个普通核桃品种的新鲜花粉为试材,测定花粉的生活力、可溶性蛋白质含量以及保护酶活性和丙二醛(MDA)含量。结果表明:麻核桃花粉的生活力极低,平均为25.37%,普通核桃平均为97.58%,麻核桃极显著低于普通核桃;可溶性蛋白质含量麻核桃平均为0.67%,普通核桃平均为2.55%,麻核桃显著低于普通核桃;超氧化物歧化酶(SOD)活性麻核桃平均为29.12 U/g FW,普通核桃平均为16.05 U/g FW,麻核桃显著高于普通核桃;过氧化物酶(POD)活性麻核桃平均为8.6 U/g FW,普通核桃平均为12.13 U/g FW,麻核桃极显著低于普通核桃;过氧化氢酶(CAT)活性麻核桃平均为5.93 U/g FW,普通核桃平均为4.26 U/g FW;MDA含量麻核桃平均为4.22 μmol/g FW,普通核桃平均为0.91 μmol/g FW,麻核桃显著高于普通核桃。
- Abstract:
- The fresh pollen of four cultivars of J.hopeiensis Hu and two cultivars of J.regia were used as materials.The pollen viability,soluble protein content,the activities of SOD,POD,CAT and MDA content were analyzed.The results showed that,the pollen viability of J.hopeiensis Hu was extremely low,and the average value was 25.37%,however,the average value of J.regia was 97.58%,J.hopeiensis Hu was very significantly lower than J.regia;the average value of the soluble protein content in J.hopeiensis Hu pollen was 0.67%,the average value in J.regia pollen was 2.55%, J.hopeiensis Hu was significantly lower than J.regia;the average value of the SOD activity in J.hopeiensis Hu pollen was 29.12%,the average value in J.regia pollen was 16.05%,J.hopeiensis Hu was significantly higher than J.regia;the average value of the POD activity in J.hopeiensis Hu pollen was 8.6%,the average value in J.regia pollen was 12.13%,J.hopeiensis Hu was very significantly lower than J.regia;the average value of the CAT activity in J.hopeiensis Hu pollen was 5.93%,the average value in J.regia pollen was 4.26%;the average value of the MDA content in J.hopeiensis Hu pollen was 4.22%,the average value in J.regia pollen was 0.91%,J.hopeiensis Hu was significantly higher than J.regia.
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