WANG Peng,YAO Fang-jie,ZHANG You-min,et al.Breeding and Cultivation of A New Panellus edulis Cultivar ‘Qidong No.1’[J].Northern Horticulture,2014,38(24):149-150.
- Title:
- Breeding and Cultivation of A New Panellus edulis Cultivar ‘Qidong No.1’
- 文章编号:
- 1001-0009(2014)24-0149-02
- 分类号:
- S 646.1+1
- 文献标志码:
- B
- 摘要:
- 摘要:元蘑新品种“旗冻1号”来源于吉林省白河林业局二道林场采集的野生元蘑Y3,经多年系统选育而得到。从接种到采收110~120 d,菌丝洁白浓密、生长速度快,子实体扇贝形、深黄色、边缘内卷至平展,商品性状好、产量高,且抗杂能力较强。生产试验平均产量为每100 kg干料产鲜菇83.8 kg,比对照品种增产5.3%。适宜在吉林省栽培推广。
- Abstract:
- ‘Qidong No.1’ was a new cultivar of edible mushroom Panellus edulis oriented from a wild strain Y3 collected from Erdaobaihe forestry centre of Baihe Forestry Bureau by systematic breeding.110-120 days was required from inoculation to harvest.The mycelium was white and grown strongly.The sharp of the fruiting body liked a scallop,the color was dark yellow,and the edge was involute or flat.And ‘Qidong No.1’ had good commodity characters,high output,and with a strong ability to resist microbial contamination.The average yield was 83.8 kg every 100 kg fresh compost and increased 5.3% compared with the controls formula.It was benefit to promote the cultivation this cultivar in Jilin.
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