XU Yao-zhao,LV Biao,WANG Qin-li,et al.Study on Germination Character of Allium mongolicum Regel.[J].Northern Horticulture,2014,38(06):4-7.
- Title:
- Study on Germination Character of Allium mongolicum Regel.
- 文章编号:
- 1001-0009(2014)06-0004-04
- Keywords:
- Allium mongolicum Regel.; seeds; germination; water absorption; seed soaking time; temperature; germination days
- 分类号:
- S 633.9
- 文献标志码:
- A
- 摘要:
- 以采自甘肃民勤东镇和西渠镇不同荒漠区生长的沙葱种子为试材,在人工气候培养条件下,研究了吸水量、浸种处理、恒温处理和萌发天数对其吸水量和发芽特性的影响。结果表明:沙葱种子吸水饱和时间为12 h;适宜浸种时间为12 h,适宜发芽温度为20℃,适宜萌发天数为12 d;西渠镇生长的沙葱种子发芽能力优于东镇沙葱种子,表明生长在不同环境条件下沙葱种子发芽能力存在差异。
- Abstract:
- Taking the Allium mongolicum Regel seeds that from Minqindong town(DA) and Xiqu town(XA) in Gansu as materials,the effect of water absorption,soaking of seeds,constant temperature treatment and germination days under artificial culture conditions on germination character and water absorption of Allium mongolicum Regel seeds were studied.The results showed that water saturation time of Allium mongolicum Regel was 12 h;suitable seed soaking time was 12 h,the optimum germination temperature was 20℃,and the best germination days was 12 days.Germination ability of Allium mongolicum Regel seed from Xiqu town was better than Minqindong town,it showed that there were certain differences under different ecological condition.
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