ZHENG Chun-yu,CHENG Ying-kui,YANG Xue,et al.Study on Introduction and Cultivation of Tulip in the Northern Winter[J].Northern Horticulture,2013,37(22):64-66.
- Title:
- Study on Introduction and Cultivation of Tulip in the Northern Winter
- 文章编号:
- 1001-0009(2013)22-0064-03
- Keywords:
- tulip; introduction; cultivation
- 分类号:
- S 682. 2+63
- 文献标志码:
- B
- 摘要:
- 以从荷兰引进的7个郁金香品种为试材,调查比较了其在温室促成栽培下的植物学特性和物候期。结果表明:“Carola”植株最矮,叶形指数也明显小于其它品种,花具浓香;“World’s legend”和“World’s fire”属小花型,颜色艳丽,有淡淡的清香;“Leen van de mark”、“Gander’s rhapsody”和“Negrita”的综合性状较好,尤其是“Gander’s rhapsody”花期达到了15 d;“Parade”无论是花葶,花冠,花径,花丝,雌蕊高、还是内、外轮花瓣长、宽都明显优于其它品种。
- Abstract:
- Taking seven tulip cultivars which were introduced from Holland as test material,their botanical characteristics and phonological period were investigated and compared in the solar greenhouse.The results showed that ‘Carola’s’ plants was the most of dwarf,leaf index was significantly less than other varieties,fragrance.’World’s legend’ and ‘World’s fire’ flower diameter was larger,bright color,faint fragrance.’Leen van de mark’,’Gander’s rhapsody’ and ‘Negrita’ had a better comprehensive proterties,especially the ‘Gander’s rhapsody’ flowering reached 15 d.The draba,corolla,flower diameter,filament,pistil,inner and outer petal length,width of “Parade” were obviously superior to other varieties.
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