ZHANG He-dan,LIU Chao,XIE Jian-zhi.Effect of Duck Manure Application on Nitrogen Accumulation in the Reed Wetland System under the Conditions of Drought[J].Northern Horticulture,2013,37(21):182-186.
- Title:
- Effect of Duck Manure Application on Nitrogen Accumulation in the Reed Wetland System under the Conditions of Drought
- 文章编号:
- 1001-0009(2013)21-0182-05
- 分类号:
- X 703
- 文献标志码:
- A
- 摘要:
- 在干旱条件下的白洋淀芦苇湿地上覆盖不同质量的鸭粪,研究分析了在全年的季节变化中湿地不同土层及芦苇中氮的动态变化,以期核算出芦苇湿地土壤及植物的氮积累量,为白洋淀地区控制鸭养殖提供依据。结果表明:各处理土壤全氮含量均表现为随着土层深度的增加而降低,但是20~40 cm、40~60 cm土层中全氮含量相差不大;对于不同层次而言,0~20 cm土层中各处理土壤全氮含量的季节变化均表现为先上升后下降再上升的趋势,7月份土壤全氮含量明显增加,覆盖9、12、15 kg/m2鸭粪处理(3、4、5区)与对照、覆盖3、6 kg/m2鸭粪处理(1、2区)呈显著差异(P<0.05);20~40 cm、40~60 cm土层中的全氮含量均表现为4~8月明显下降,8月以后略有回升的季节变化趋势,从各处理降低幅度来看,鸭粪对20~40 cm、40~60 cm土壤中全氮含量几乎无影响,在最高处理下核算出白洋淀湿地土壤的氮储量为1.89×104 t,年可容纳鸭数量上限为5.83×108只;不同鸭粪量处理下,芦苇的生物量和株高差异不大,在10月份收割的前提下,1 hm2芦苇氮积累量为53.88~67.35 kg。
- Abstract:
- Dynamic changes of nitrogen in different soil layers of reeds were discussed with seasonal variation in a year with Baiyangdian reeds wetland covered by duck mature of different quality under the condition of drought,and the nitrogen accumulation of the wetland was obtained to provide the basis for the control of duck breeding number in the final.The results showed that the total nitrogen(TN)content of all the treatments were decreased gradually with soil depth increasing,but it had no significant difference in the two lower layers;for different layers,TN content increased firstly and then decreased and increased again in the 0~20 cm layer,and TN content in soil significantly increased in July,the treatments covered by duck mature of 9,12,15 kg/m2 were higher significantly (P<0.05)compared with the control,and the other two treatments,respectively.The TN content in the lower layers showed a clear downward trend from April to August,then it increased slightly.The application of duck mature had little influence on TN content in the two lower layers.According to the growth pattern,it was evaluated that the wetland could reserve 1.89 ×104 t in the form of nitrogen and 5.83×108 in the form of duck at most.It had little difference between the reed biomass and height of all treatments,and the nitrogen accumulation could achieve 53.88~67.35 kg/hm2 just as harvesting reeds at October.
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