YANG Xiao-xu,WU Lin,ZHANG Zhi-dong,et al.Study on Investigation of Blueberry Growing Status in Jilin Area[J].Northern Horticulture,2013,37(06):6-8.
- Title:
- Study on Investigation of Blueberry Growing Status in Jilin Area
- 文章编号:
- 1001-0009(2013)06-0006-03
- Keywords:
- blueberry; growth vigour; Jilin area
- 分类号:
- S 663.9(234)
- 文献标志码:
- B
- 摘要:
- 以吉林地区各栽培基地现有的高丛、半高丛、矮丛越橘的19个品种为试材,对其株高、冠幅以及生长状况在内的各项指标进行了测定,研究其在结果期的生长状况,对比各地区之间的生长势,以期为各区域栽植适宜品种提供参考依据。结果表明:高丛越橘在通化地区长势良好,其中“蓝丰”、“埃利奥特”长势明显好于其它地区;高丛越橘在安图地区的长势较差,不适宜在该地区栽植;半高丛越橘在柳河、通化地区长势良好,适宜在该地区推广栽培;矮丛越橘主栽品种“美登”在柳河、通化、靖宇长势良好,适宜当地栽培。
- Abstract:
- Taking highbush plant,half-highbush plant,lowbush plant of 19 blueberry cultivars as materials,height of plant,canopy diameter and indexes of inner conditions of growth statues were determined,the growing status of fruiting period were studied,and the growth vigour between all districts were compared,in order to get the suitable plant varieties in each area.The results showed that highbush blueberry in Tonghua area grew well,The ‘Northland’,‘Elliot’ growing significantly better than that of other areas,highbush blueberry in Antu region growing was bad,not suitable for planting in the region.Half-highbush in Liuhe and Tonghua region was growing good,suitable for cultivation in the area promotion.The lowbush blueberry of ‘Blomidon’ was suitable for Liuhe,Tonghua,Jingyu cultivation.
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