WU Qi-feng,LI Yan,WANG Qiang,et al.Irrigation Effect by Nutrient Solution with Different N,P,K Mixture Ratio to Processing Tomato Plug Seedling Growth[J].Northern Horticulture,2012,36(11):19-23.
- Title:
- Irrigation Effect by Nutrient Solution with Different N,P,K Mixture Ratio to Processing Tomato Plug Seedling Growth
- 文章编号:
- 1001-0009(2012)11-0019-05
- 分类号:
- S 641.2
- 文献标志码:
- A
- 摘要:
- 用N、P、K不同配比的27种营养液浇灌幼苗6次,在每次浇灌后,测定分析幼苗的株高、茎粗、叶片数和最后的生物量。结果表明:1 kg水配N/P/K为150/80/150 g营养液浇灌幼苗,每次浇灌后的株高和最终的干物质量均极显著增高,并且第2次、第4次浇灌后株高的相对增长量最大,第3次的最小;1 kg水配N/P/K为50/20/50和50/20/150 g营养液浇灌幼苗,每次浇灌后的茎粗均极显著增高,并且以第2次、第5次浇灌后茎粗的相对增长量最大,第3次的最小;但不同营养液对叶片数的影响差异不显著。在幼苗第1片真叶展平后,隔5、10、20、25、30 d浇灌效果最好。
- Abstract:
- The seeding had been irrigated 6 times by 27 kinds of nutrient solution with different N/P/K mixture ratio.After each watering,determined plant height,stem diameter,leaf number and final biomass.The results showed that the plant height and dry matter weight of seeding which irrigated by nutrient solution with N/P/K mixture ratio as 150/80/150 g per kilogram water was extremely highest,and the irrigation effect of No.2 and No.4 were better,but No. 3 was poor.The stem diameter of seeding which irrigated by nutrient solution with N/P/K mixture ratio as 50/20/50 and 50/20/150 g per kilogram water was extremely highest,and the irrigation effect of No.2 and No.5 were better,but No.3 was poor.The difference of leaf number growth of seeding irrigated by different nutrient solution was not extremely.5,10,20,25 and 30 d after the first true leaf flattening,irrigation effect was better.
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