DING Lan,GUO Yan,DONG Gang,et al.Investigation and Preliminary Study of Elimination of CymMV and ORSV from Phalaenopsis in China[J].Northern Horticulture,2012,36(02):137-140.
国产蝴蝶兰种苗携带建兰花叶病毒(CymMV)和齿兰环斑病毒 (ORSV)的调查及脱毒的初步研究
- Title:
- Investigation and Preliminary Study of Elimination of CymMV and ORSV from Phalaenopsis in China
- 文章编号:
- 1001-0009(2012)02-0137-04
- 分类号:
- S 68231
- 文献标志码:
- A
- 摘要:
- 采用双抗夹心酶联免疫吸附法(DAS-ELISA)对国内不同蝴蝶兰种植场的17个蝴蝶兰分生苗品系种苗(22个样本)携带的2种主要病毒(CymMV和ORSV)的情况进行了检测调查,并采用茎尖培养和原球茎诱导的方式对携带病毒的4个蝴蝶兰品系进行了脱毒研究。结果表明:22个样本中有20个样本复合感染2种病毒,仅有1个样本显示了阴性结果。采用茎尖培养的‘R-2-2’和‘Y-4-2’品系,其脱毒率分别为227%(CymMV)和191%(ORSV),303%(CymMV)和80%(ORSV);采用原球茎脱毒的‘R-1-2’和‘R-11-1’品系,其脱毒率分别为254%(CymMV)和14% (ORSV),252%(CymMV)和242% (ORSV)。茎尖培养和原球茎诱导方式均不能一次性彻底脱毒。
- Abstract:
- The study had detected two main virus,Cymbidium mosaic virus (CymMV) and Odontoglossum ringspot virus (ORSV) of seventeen strains(twenty two samples) of Phalaenopsis collected from different farms,with the method of double-antibody sandwich enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay (DAS-ELISA);Meanwhile,two ways were employed for Elimination of the viruses from four Phalaenopsis.The results showed that twenty samples were positive for two viruses (CymMV and ORSV),and only one sample was negative for two viruses (CymMV and ORSV).The virus-free rate of strain R-2-2 and strain Y-4-2 were 227% (CymMV) and 191% (ORSV),303% (CymMV) and 80% (ORSV) after shoot-tip culture,respectively;the virus-free rate of strain R-1-2 and strain R-11-1 were 254% (CymMV) and 14% (ORSV),252% (CymMV) and 242% (ORSV) by induction protocorm,respectively.It indicated that the viruses from Phalaenopsis could not be eliminated thoroughly by shoot-tip culture or induction protocorm for only one time.
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