ZHANG Shanshan,HAN Liwen,HE Qiuxia,et al.Purification Process and Antioxidant Activities of Total Flavonoids From Bark of Salix discolor[J].Northern Horticulture,2018,42(07):105-112.[doi:10.11937/bfyy.20172690]
- Title:
- Purification Process and Antioxidant Activities of Total Flavonoids From Bark of Salix discolor
- 文献标志码:
- A
- 摘要:
- 以竹柳皮为试材,采用紫外分光光度法,以总黄酮吸附率和解吸率为考察指标,考察9种不同型号大孔树脂对竹柳皮总黄酮吸附-解吸性能,筛选出最佳大孔树脂型号,通过对工艺各参数优化,确定最佳纯化工艺,并测定竹柳皮纯化前后抗氧化活性。结果表明:D101型大孔树脂对竹柳皮中总黄酮有较好的吸附和解吸效果,最佳纯化工艺为60%乙醇提取2次,上柱液浓度为1.0 mg?mL-1,径高比为1∶15,上样速度为1.0 BV?h-1,上样体积为5 BV,洗脱溶剂为60%乙醇,洗脱速度为1.0 BV?h-1,收集0.8~2.2 BV洗脱范围内洗脱液,纯化后总黄酮含量可达64.94%,总黄酮收率高达98.34%。纯化后总黄酮的DPPH自由基清除活性、还原力分别约是纯化前粗提物的3倍和2倍。D101型大孔树脂适合纯化竹柳皮中的总黄酮,且纯化后的竹柳皮总黄酮具有更好的抗氧化活性。该试验可为竹柳皮的深入开发、产业附加值的提高提供参考依据。
- Abstract:
- Barks of Salix discolor were used as test materials,the content of total flavonoids was determined by UV.Absorption rate and desorption rate were used as indexes,nine kinds of macroporous resins were examined and the best macroporous resin was screened,and optimal purification process of total flavonoids from bark of Salix discolor was determined by optimizing purification conditions and antioxidant activity differences between total flavonoids before and after purification were discussed.The results showed that D101 resin possessed the optimal absorption capacity and desorption capacity.The optimum purification process was as follows,60% ethanol was used for extracting for two times and the concentration of total flavonoids of 1.0 mg?mL-1 was obtained as loading solution,the diameter height ratio of column was 1∶15,the loading speed of solution was 1.0 BV?h-1 with the loading volume of 5 BV and 60% ethanol was used as elution solvent with elution speed of 1.0 BV?h-1,then elution in the eluting scope of 0.8-2.2 BV was collected and the content of total flavonoids after purification was 64.94% and the yield of total flavonoids was 98.34%.DPPH free radical-scavenging activity and ferric-reducing antioxidant power of total flavonoids after purification were near third and twice as much as that of before purification,respectively.D101 macroporous resin showed the best enrichment and purification efficiency for total flavonoids from bark of Salix discolor and antioxidant activities of total flavonoids after purification were higher.This experiment could provide theoretical basis for further development and the improvement of industrial additional value of Salix discolor.
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