YANG Lan,WANG Aihua,LI Wei,et al.Screening of Succulent Plant Varieties for Overwintering in Guiyang Rocky Desertification[J].Northern Horticulture,2017,41(09):57-61.[doi:10.11937/bfyy.201709013]
- Title:
- Screening of Succulent Plant Varieties for Overwintering in Guiyang Rocky Desertification
- 文献标志码:
- A
- 摘要:
- 挑选51种草本多肉植物,其中景天科12个属、番杏科2个属、马齿苋科1个属、唇形科1个属,针对贵州石漠化山地生态特征对以上种属品种进行越冬适应性评价。结果表明:大部分冬型种多肉植物能较好的适应冬季的低温天气,除了‘新玉缀’(Sedum burrito)、‘千佛手’(Sedum sediforme)生长受低温影响导致生长不良,出现植株死亡;而部分夏型种、春秋型种通过休眠方式也能安全越过冬季。筛选出30种多肉植物品种,其中景天科11个属、番杏科1个属、马齿苋科1个属,在贵阳石漠化山地生长良好且能安全越冬,为多肉植物的园艺生产和在贵阳石漠化山地上的园林应用等实践工作提供基础数据。
- Abstract:
- Fiftyone kinds of herbaceous succulents,12 genera of Crassulaceae,two genera of Aizoaceae,one genus of Portulacaceae,one genus of Labiatae were used as test materials,used selection experiment of cultivated varieties in rock desertification.The results showed that most of the winter type succulent plants in the experimental materials could adapt to the low temperature in winter and generally grew well,in addition to individual species include Sedum burrito and Sedum sediforme affected by low temperature leading to a poor growth and the final death.Part of summer type,the spring and autumn type of the succulent plants gone into dormancy,safely crossed the winter.Thirty species of succulent plant were successfully screened for overwintering in rocky desertification.Including 11 genera of Sedum,one genus of Aizoaceae and one genus of Portulacaceae.The experimental results provided valuable basic data for the horticultural production and landscape application of the succulent plant in the rocky desertification of Guiyang.
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