HAN Chunye,WANG Chonghua,TIAN Chunli,et al.Effects of Foliage Spraying Biogas Fluid With Micro-fertilizer on Production and Quality of Cucumber in Greenhouse[J].Northern Horticulture,2017,41(03):61-65.[doi:10.11937/bfyy.201703014]
- Title:
- Effects of Foliage Spraying Biogas Fluid With Micro-fertilizer on Production and Quality of Cucumber in Greenhouse
- Keywords:
- biogas fluid; boron fertilizer; manganese fertilizer; foliage spraying; cucumber in greenhouse; production; quality
- 文献标志码:
- A
- 摘要:
- 以黄瓜为试材,以清水为对照,采用50%沼液、50%沼液+0.5 g?L-1硼、50%沼液+0.1 g?L-1锰3种喷施处理进行对比试验,研究了沼液与微量元素配合喷施对黄瓜植株生长、产量及品质的影响。结果表明:叶面喷施50%沼液+0.5 g?L-1硼与叶面喷施50%沼液+0.1 g?L-1锰对黄瓜植株的生长、产量及品质有明显的作用,植株叶长、叶宽、叶柄长比对照都有显著提高,叶绿素含量比喷施50%沼液处理有显著提高。叶面喷施50%沼液+0.5 g?L-1硼和叶面喷施50%沼液+0.1 g?L-1锰对黄瓜产量比清水对照分别提高28.77%和38.52%,比喷施50%沼液处理分别提高6.19%和14.23%;与喷施50%沼液处理相比,叶面喷施50%沼液+0.5 g?L-1硼和叶面喷施50%沼液+0.1 g?L-1锰处理的黄瓜可溶性蛋白质含量显著提高,对黄瓜品相、风味也有所改善。因此,沼液与微肥配合喷施可以作为大棚黄瓜沼液及微肥合理利用的一种方法。
- Abstract:
- Cucumber was used as test material,using water control,foliage spraying 50% biogas fluid,foliage spraying 50% biogas with 0.5 g?L-1 boron fertilizer,foliage spraying 50% biogas with 0.1 g?L-1 manganese fertilizer,the effects of biogas fluid with micro-fertilizer on growth and production and quality of cucumber in greenhouse were studied.The results indicated that folliage spray 50% biogas with 0.5 g?L-1 boron fertilizer and foliage spraying 50% biogas with 0.1 g?L-1 manganese fertilizer were obviously function that compared with water control on cucumber growth,production and quality.Leaf length and leaf width and petiole long were obviously superior that compared with water control,chlorophyll content was obviously superior compared with foliage spraying 50% biogas fluid.Under foliage spraying 50% biogas with 0.5 g?L-1 boron fertilizer,foliage spraying 50% biogas with the water control yield of cucumber were 28.77% and 38.52%,respectively,higher than that of 0.1 g?L-1 manganese fertilizer 6.19% and 14.23%,respectively.Foliage spraying 50% biogas with 0.5 g?L-1 boron fertilizer,foliage spraying 50% biogas with 0.1 g?L-1 manganese fertilizer were obviously superior on cucumber of soluble protein compared with foliage spraying 50% biogas fluid,cucumber appearance and flavor had a better impact strength.Therefore,foliage spraying biogas with micro-fertilizer was a reasonable method on cucumber in greenhouse.
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