DONG Shengli,Ablah NIYAZ,ZHANG Shikui,et al.Effects of Boric Acid and Gibberellin on Fruiting of Apricot[J].Northern Horticulture,2017,41(01):28-32.[doi:10.11937/bfyy.201701007]
- Title:
- Effects of Boric Acid and Gibberellin on Fruiting of Apricot
- Keywords:
- boric acid; GA3; fruiting rate
- 文献标志码:
- A
- 摘要:
- 以‘卡巴克西米西’‘卡拉阿藏’‘大树上干’‘赛买提’等杏品种为试材,在盛花期分别喷施不同浓度的硼酸(0.05%、0.10%、0.15%、0.20%、0.25%)和外源赤霉素(50、100、150 mg?L-1),比较不同浓度的硼酸和外源赤霉素对杏坐果率的影响,以明确硼酸和赤霉素的最适喷施浓度,探讨硼酸和外源赤霉素对杏坐果率的影响,为杏的优质高效生产提供一定的实践指导和理论依据。结果表明:不同浓度的硼酸对不同杏品种坐果率均有极显著地提高作用;随着硼酸浓度的增加,不同杏品种的坐果率均呈现先升高后下降的趋势,但变化幅度有差异。其中,‘大树上干’和‘卡拉阿藏’的最适硼酸浓度为0.15%,而‘卡巴克西米西’和‘赛买提’的最适硼酸浓度分别为0.20%和0.10%。不同浓度的赤霉素对不同杏品种的坐果率均有显著地提高作用;随着赤霉素浓度梯度的增加,不同杏品种的坐果率均呈现先升高后下降的趋势,其变化幅度也基本一致,最高坐果率均为喷施100 mg?L-1的赤霉素处理。可知,最适浓度硼酸和外源赤霉素对杏坐果率有明显的提高作用,浓度不适反而导致坐果率的下降,且不同品种对不同浓度的硼酸和赤霉素的效应响应有所差异。因此,在最适的硼酸和赤霉素喷施浓度的筛选和应用过程中还要考虑品种问题。
- Abstract:
- The primarily aim of this study was to clear the spraying optimum concentration of boric acid and gibberellin,investigate the effects of boric acid and exogenous GA3 on fruit set rate of apricot,and to provide some practical guidance and theoretical basis for high quality of apricot production.Four cultivars of ‘Qapaq Kishmish’‘Qara Ghazang’‘Derextiki Qaq’‘Semet rük’ were used as the test materials,spraying different concentrations of the boric acid (0.05%,0.10%,0.15%,0.20%,0.25%) and exogenous GA3 (50,100,150 mg?L-1) in florescence,respectively;and compared the effect of different concentrations of boric acid and exogenous GA3 on the fruiting rate of apricot.The results showed that,spraying of different concentrations of boric acid significantly increased the fruiting rate of various apricot cultivars.Fruiting rate of various apricot cultivars all showed a trend of first rising then declining with the increasing of the boric acid concentration,but the fruiting rate and its changing levels were significantly different among the cultivars.Among them,the optimum concentration of boric acid of ‘Derextiki Qaq’ and ‘Qara Ghazang’ both were found at the treatment concentration of 0.15%,while the optimum concentration of boric acid of ‘Qapaq Kishmish’ and ‘Semet rük’ were found at the the treatment concentration of 0.20% and 0.10%,respectively.Spraying of different concentrations of GA3 significantly increased the fruiting rate of various apricot cultivars.The fruiting rate showed a trend of first rising then declining in all four cultivars with the increasing of the GA3 concentration,and the fruiting rate and its changing levels were mainly the same among the cultivars.The highest fruiting rate of all cultivars were shown at the treatment concentration of 100 mg?L-1 GA3.Summary,the optimum concentration of boric acid and exogenous GA3 could increase the fruiting rate of apricot,but it would lead to decrease of fruiting rate that spraying of indisposed concentration of boric acid and exogenous GA3;and the response of various cultivars to the effects of different concentration of boric acid and GA3 were different.Therefore,screening of the optimum spraying concentration of boric acid and GA3 and its application process should also consider the issue of varieties.
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