SHI Xinyu,ZHAO Yu,LIU Yang,et al.Growth Characteristics and Benefits of Soil and Water Conservation of Several Herbaceous Plant in the Gneiss Mountainous Region[J].Northern Horticulture,2016,40(14):70-74.[doi:10.11937/bfyy.201614018]
- Title:
- Growth Characteristics and Benefits of Soil and Water Conservation of Several Herbaceous Plant in the Gneiss Mountainous Region
- 文献标志码:
- A
- 摘要:
- 以河北省平山县下峪村新垦地土质坡面为试验地,采用单播、混播2种模式进行播种,研究了几种草本植物在太行山片麻岩山地的生长特性及水土保持效益。结果表明:皇竹草发芽最快,发芽时间为3 d,波斯菊次之,发芽最晚的是早熟禾。播种后第15天,皇竹草幼苗最高,高达10.89 cm,其次为波斯菊,高度达8.88 cm,白三叶草植株最矮,仅为0.67 cm。波斯菊植被覆盖度最高,达到了56.9%,皇竹草、波斯菊+紫花苜蓿+皇竹草混播、波斯菊+紫花苜蓿+白三叶草混播坡面的植被覆盖度分别为45.7%、36.1%、34.4%。人工模拟降雨时,播种皇竹草的坡面土壤侵蚀模数、径流系数分别为6.60 t?km-2、14.85%,土壤侵蚀程度较轻,水土保持效益最好;水土保持效益较好的有波斯菊+紫花苜蓿+白三叶草混播、波斯菊,土壤侵蚀模数分别为11.13、12.70 t?km-2,径流系数分别为19.69%、21.34%。因此,将波斯菊、皇竹草、紫花苜蓿、白三叶草进行混合播种,具有良好的水土保持效益。
- Abstract:
- In order to ascertain the growth characteristics and benefits of soil and water conservation of several herbaceous plant in the Gneiss Mountainous Region in Pingshan County,the slope of freshly plowed land in Xiayu Village was chosen as experimental field,two sowing patterns were used to reconstruct vegetation,single-sowing pattern and compound-sowing pattern.The results showed that seed germination time of Pennisetum sinese was the shortest,which was only 3 days;the next one was Cosmos bipinnata;Poa annua was the longest.After sowing for 15 days,the seedling average height of Pennisetum sinese was the highest (10.89 cm);the next one was Cosmos bipinnata (about 8.88 cm);the shortest was Trifolium repens (only 0.67 cm).The vegetation coverage of Cosmos bipinnata was the highest,which was about 56.9%;and those of Pennisetum sinese,Cosmos bipinnata+Medicago sativa +Pennisetum sinese,Cosmos bipinnata +Medicago sativa+Trifolium repens were 45.7%,36.1%,34.4% respectively.The soil erosion modulus and runoff coefficient of Pennisetum sinese respectively were 6.60 t?km-2,14.85% and its benefits of soil and water conservation was the best;the soil erosion modulus of Cosmos bipinnata+Medicago sativa+Trifolium repens and Cosmos bipinnata were respectively 11.13 t?km-2,12.70 t?km-2 and the runoff coefficient of them were 19.69%,21.34% respectively.So the erosion intensity of these two kinds of sowing patterns were both medium erosion.The best sowing pattern was mixing the seeds of Cosmos bipinnata,Pennisetum sinese,Medicago sativa and Trifolium repens together before sowing so as to promote soil and water conservation benefits.
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