YUE Lu,WANG Xiujuan.Study on the Influncing Elements of Chinese Apple Juice Export Based on Dynamic Gravity Model[J].Northern Horticulture,2015,39(17):201-205.[doi:10.11937/bfyy.201517052]
- Title:
- Study on the Influncing Elements of Chinese Apple Juice Export Based on Dynamic Gravity Model
- Keywords:
- dynamic gravity model; apple juice; influencing elements; export
- 文献标志码:
- A
- 摘要:
- 从拓展的贸易引力模型出发,选取1994—2013年的中国苹果汁主要出口国的面板数据,通过构建传统静态面板数据引力模型和动态随机一般均衡理论框架下的动态面板数据引力模型,对影响中国苹果汁长短期出口的因素分别进行了探讨,特别是分析了前一期苹果汁出口量对当期出口量的短期动态影响。结果表明:中国苹果汁出口流量具有较强的动态属性,行业供给对苹果汁出口的长短期影响均显著,外需等其它4个因素仅在长期影响上表现显著。充分发挥苹果汁行业的产能是稳定苹果汁出口的必要举措。
- Abstract:
- This paper used trade gravity model with panel data of main Chinese apple juice importer to study the elements that have permanent and temporary effects on Chinese apple juice export by respectively forming traditional static gravity model and a dynamic one based on the theory format of DSGE,and analyzed specifically the temporary and dynamic effect that the lagged export has on the present one.The results showed that Chinese apple juice trade flows were strongly dynamic.Apple juice industry supply effects on both permanent and temporary export were significant,while those by demand abroad and other three elements were not.Tapping thoroughly the Chinese apple juice industry productivity and adjusting Chinese apple juice export market structure were indispensable measures.
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