CHEN Xiang,HU Yanyan,ZHU Benguo,et al.Impact of Traffic Island Greenbelts and One-side Greenbelts on Distribution of Heavy Metals in the Greenbelt Soil[J].Northern Horticulture,2015,39(17):153-156.[doi:10.11937/bfyy.201517041]
- Title:
- Impact of Traffic Island Greenbelts and One-side Greenbelts on Distribution of Heavy Metals in the Greenbelt Soil
- Keywords:
- heavy metals pollution; road green spaces; distribution; soil
- 文献标志码:
- A
- 摘要:
- 以重庆市4个典型道路交通岛绿地和3个侧绿带为研究对象,分别采集距离道路边沿一定梯度的表层土壤样品,测定样品的Pb、Cd、Cr、Mn、Hg、As、Cu、Zn、Fe的含量,研究2种道路绿地类型绿地土壤重金属含量分布的差异,探索道路绿地的防护效应。结果表明:随着距道路距离的增加,绿地土壤重金属的综合污染指数总体呈下降趋势。按照线性方程估算,交通岛型绿地距道路距离为80 m、道路侧绿带为50 m时土壤重金属综合污染指数接近1。调查区域交通岛绿地土壤重金属综合污染指数和距道路的距离呈中等相关性,道路侧绿带土壤重金属综合污染指数和距道路的距离呈强相关性,而2种绿地的土壤重金属综合污染指数和距道路的距离总体呈弱相关性,这可能与2种绿地的防护效应存在差异有关。
- Abstract:
- Greenbelts of 4 typical traffic island greenbelts and 3 one-side greenbelts in Chongqing were researched,with topsoil sampled from certain gradients away from the road for determining the contents of such heavy metals as Pb,Cd,Cr,Mn,Hg,As,Cu,Zn and Fe,so as to know impact of the two types of road greenbelts on heavy metal contents of greenbelt soil and to explore the protective effect of road greenbelts.The results showed that with the distance from the road increasing,the integral heavy metal pollution index of the greenbelt soil generally decreased.According to estimation based on linear equations,if a traffic island greenbelt was 80 m away from the road boundary,the integral heavy metal pollution index of soil at 50 m road-side greenbelt approaches 1.Within the researched area,the integral heavy metal pollution index of soil at the traffic island greenbelts has moderate correlation to the distance away from the road,that of soil at the road-side greenbelts has strong correlation to the distance away from the road,and that of soil at the road greenbelts generally has weak correlation to the distance away from the road,possibly due to different protective effects of the two types of greenbelts.
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