WANG Ai-bo,WU Hui,PAN Yi-zhan,et al.Effect of Different Consumption of Nitrogen Fertilizer and Pest Control Methods on Production and Quality of Pakchoi[J].Northern Horticulture,2014,38(24):17-20.
- Title:
- Effect of Different Consumption of Nitrogen Fertilizer and Pest Control Methods on Production and Quality of Pakchoi
- 文章编号:
- 1001-0009(2014)24-0017-04
- Keywords:
- Brassica campestris ssp.Chinensis L; nitrogen fertilizer; pest control methods; the numbers of leaves per plant; fresh weight; dry weight; the relative efficiency of pest control
- 分类号:
- S 634.306+.2
- 文献标志码:
- A
- 摘要:
- 以普通白菜(Brassica campestris ssp.Chinensis L.)品种一代交配“华冠青梗菜”为供试材料(以下简称“青梗菜”),在商丘学院实验田研究了不同氮肥用量和防虫方法对“青梗菜”单株叶片数目、单株鲜重、单株干重的影响并比较了不同防虫方法的防虫效果。结果表明:单株叶片数目随氮肥用量升高显著升高,且在农药处理区显著大于防虫网处理区和对照区,后二者之间差异不显著。单株鲜重、干重均随氮肥用量升高显著升高,防虫方法及防虫方法与氮肥用量的交互作用对单株鲜重影响不显著,单株干重表现为农药处理与防虫网处理显著大于对照处理。氮肥用量对植株虫危害率影响不显著,在同一氮肥用量下防虫方法对植株虫危害率影响显著,具体表现为防虫网处理区虫危害率最低,而对照区虫危害率最高;虫害的相对防效表现为农药处理区显著小于防虫网处理区,氮肥用量为15 kg/667m2的相对防效最好。综上,防虫网覆盖和追施15 kg/667m2的氮肥最有利于“青梗菜”的优质高产栽培。
- Abstract:
- Taking a cultivated variety of Pakchio (Brassica campestris ssp.Chinensis L.) named ‘Huaguan Qinggengcai’ (for short ‘Qinggengcai’) as experiment material.In the experiment field of Shangqiu Universtity,the numbers of leaves,the fresh weight and dry weight per plant of ‘Qinggengcai’ treated with different consumption of nitrogen fertilizer and pest control methods were studied,besides,the differences of pest control effect between different methods were compared.The results showed that,the numbers of leaves per plant significantly increased as consumption of nitrogen fertilizer increased,while which treated with pesticides were significantly higher than under pests-preventing net and natural conditions (the latter two weren’t significantly different with each other).Fresh and dry weight per plant were significantly increased as consumption of nitrogen fertilizer increased,while fresh weight per plant wasn’t significantly affected by different pest control methods and the interaction of pest control methods and consumption of nitrogen fertilizer,but dry weight per plant treated with pesticides and under pests-preventing net were significantly higher than under natural conditions.The damage rates of pests weren’t significantly affected by different consumption of nitrogen fertilizer,but they were significantly affected by pest-control-methods at the same consumption of nitrogen fertilizer,which concretely were the lowest in the pests-preventing net while were the highest under natural conditions;the relative efficiency of pest control was significantly lower when treated with pesticides than under pests-preventing net,and it was the highest when plants were treated with 15 kg/667m2 nitrogen fertilizer.All above,covering with pests-preventing net and fertilizing with 15 kg/667m2 nitrogen fertilizer was the best to improve the productions and qualities of plants.
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