XIE Mei-hua,LI Lin,LI Xue-ling,et al.Study on Pathogen Identification and Biological Characterstics of the Leaf Spot of Calotropis gigantean [J].Northern Horticulture,2014,38(10):112-116.
- Title:
- Study on Pathogen Identification and Biological Characterstics of the Leaf Spot of Calotropis gigantean
- 文章编号:
- 1001-0009(2014)10-0112-05
- 分类号:
- S 59
- 文献标志码:
- A
- 摘要:
- 从发生叶斑病的牛角瓜病叶片上分离到1株真菌,菌株编号记为CX008;通过传统的形态学观察与现代分子生物学技术相结合的手段进行了病原菌鉴定,并依据其形态特点对其培养性状进行了初步研究,同时研究了不同杀菌剂对菌落生长的影响。结果表明:该病原菌为丝孢纲 (Hyphomycetes)丝孢目(Hyphomycetales)暗色孢科(Dematiaceae)交链孢属 (Alternaria)细极链格孢络石生变种[Alternaria tenuissima(Nees ex Fr.)];该菌对供试的7种氮源和碳源均能利用,最佳碳源和氮源分别为葡萄糖和牛肉膏;该病原菌在15~40℃之间均能生长,最适的生长温度是25℃和30℃,在5℃、10℃和45℃条件下停止生长;该病原菌孢子在15~40℃之间均能萌发,最适萌发温度为28℃,高于40℃孢子无法萌发;12 h/12 h光暗交替有利于菌落生长,有无光照对分生孢子萌发没有明显地影响;5种广谱杀菌剂对该菌落的生长均有抑制作用,扑海因对该菌的抑制效果最好,随后依次是恶霜锰锌、百菌清、代森锰锌,效果最差的是敌克松。
- Abstract:
- One fungal strains was separated from the leaf spot of Calotropis gigantean,noted for CX008.It was identified through the combination of morphological observation and modern molecular biological technique,the culture traits of it were studied based on the morphological characteristics.The results showed that:the pathogen is Alternaria tenuissima(Nees ex Fr.).The fungi was able to use 7 kinds of carbon and nitrogen sources.The best carbon and nitrogen source for its growth were glucose and beef extract respectively.The mycelial could grow at 15~40℃,the approprate temperature for its growth was 25~30℃,mycelial stopped growing at 5℃,10℃and 45℃.Its spore was able to germinate at 15~40℃,the approprate temperature was 28℃,it could not germinate when temperature exceed 40℃.12 h light and dark alternative was helpful to mycelial growth,photoperriod had little influence on spore germination.In laboratory test,there were inhibitory action for 5 kinds broad-spectrum fungicide on mycelial growth.Iprodione was the best getrmicides on the tested,then Metalaxyl mancozeb,Chlorothalonil and Mancozeb as follow,the worst was Fenaminosulf.
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