XU Guo-hui,WANG He-xin,ZHANG Zi-chuan.Current Situation and Prospect on the Development of Cranberry[J].Northern Horticulture,2014,38(03):169-173.
- Title:
- Current Situation and Prospect on the Development of Cranberry
- 文章编号:
- 1001-0009(2014)03-0169-05
- Keywords:
- cranberry; health value; development of market; current situation of cultivation; varieties
- 分类号:
- S 663.9
- 文献标志码:
- A
- 摘要:
- 蔓越桔是一类营养与保健价值极高的小浆果,主产地在北美和加拿大,目前在食品、医疗以及化妆品方面都有广泛的应用,但目前对蔓越桔的发展现状了解还很少,且有关蔓越桔的研究也鲜有报道。现就蔓越桔的保健价值及地理分布情况、市场发展现状、栽培现状及其由美国农业权威部门最新公布的主要品种等几方面进行了阐述,以期让更多的人了解蔓越桔的发展状况,并为后续进行蔓越桔的相关研究提供理论依据。
- Abstract:
- Cranberry is a kind of high nutrition and health value small berry,the main origin are North America and Canada,Cranberry is extensively applicated in food,medical and cosmetic fields at present,but the current situation of the development of cranberry was poorly understood,and related research of cranberry was rarely reported.This paper would mainly describe from the health value and geographical distribution,development status of market,cultivation situation of cranberry and by the United States of America agricultural authorities released the latest main varieties,etc.In order to let more people understand the current situation of the development of cranberry,provide a theoretical basis for the subsequent research of cranberry.
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