LIU Hui-zhen,ZHAO Rong-fang,CHEN Hui-yang.The History and Current Status Analysis of the Total Yield of Jujube in Hebei Province[J].Northern Horticulture,2014,38(01):179-181.
- Title:
- The History and Current Status Analysis of the Total Yield of Jujube in Hebei Province
- 文章编号:
- 1001-0009(2014)01-0179-03
- Keywords:
- jujube; yield; growth rate; Hebei province
- 分类号:
- S 665.1
- 文献标志码:
- A
- 摘要:
- 以河北省种植业信息网的统计资料为依据,对河北省红枣总产量发展历史与现状进行了分析,以期为河北省红枣产业健康快速发展提供理论依据。结果表明:河北省红枣总产量发展状况经历了2个不同的发展阶段。第1阶段(1973~1996年)为河北省红枣总产量缓慢增长阶段,此期总产量很低,维持在6.5万~21.5万t之间;第2阶段(1997~2010年)为河北省红枣总产量快速增长阶段,此期红枣总产量在28.4万~103.1万t之间。经分析表明,我国红枣主要分布在河北、山东、新疆、陕西、山西、河南、辽宁、甘肃、宁夏和天津等10省市,2010年这10省(市)红枣总产量合计为432.4万t,全国红枣总产量为446.8万t,10省(市)红枣总产量占全国总产量的96.8%,其中河北省红枣产量高达103.1万t,占全国红枣总产量的23.1%,居全国之首。
- Abstract:
- Analysis was conducted of the history and current status of the total yield of jujube in Hebei Province using statistical data in order to supply theoretical basis for the healthy and rapid development of jujube production in Hebei Province.The results showed that the jujube total yield of Hebei Province experienced two different stages of development.The first stage was from 1973 to 1996.The total yield of citrus jujube in Hebei had been developped slowly in this stage.The total yield maintained between 0.065 million tons to 0.215 million tons.The second stage was from 1997 to 2010.In this period,the total yield of citrus jujube in Hebei had been ircreased rapidly year by year.The total yield maintained between 0.284 million tons to 1.031 million tons.Jujube were mainly distributed in Hebei,Shandong,Xinjiang,Shaanxi,Shanxi,Henan,Liaoning,Gansu,Ningxia and Tianjin in our country.The jujube total yield was reach 4.324 million tons in this 10 provinces (city) in 2010,while the whole country was only 4.468 million tons and Hebei was up to 1.031 million tons.The proportion of the 10 provinces (city) accounted for 96.8% of national yield,while the proportion of Hebei was 23.1%.The jujube production in Hebei were most important in the whole country.
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