DONG Pan-pan,ZHAO Mei-ai,GUAN Cong,et al.SCAR Marker and Application of Resistant Gene Ty-3 of Tomato Yellowing Leaf Virus[J].Northern Horticulture,2013,37(23):119-122.
- Title:
- SCAR Marker and Application of Resistant Gene Ty-3 of Tomato Yellowing Leaf Virus
- 文章编号:
- 1001-0009(2013)23-0119-04
- Keywords:
- TYLCV; SCAR; Ty-3; seedling identification; field identification
- 分类号:
- S 641.2
- 文献标志码:
- A
- 摘要:
- 以49份番茄材料为试材,利用特异引物对5份抗病纯合番茄材料(基因型Ty-3/Ty-3)和5份感病纯合番茄材料(基因型ty-3/ty-3)进行PCR扩增,同时对25份番茄高代自交系和14]份番茄杂交一代材料进行检测,并用田间自然发病的方法对这些材料的抗性进行验证。结果表明:经PCR扩增,抗病纯合番茄产生了630 bp的片段,而感病纯合材料扩增出320 bp的片段;该标记能够区分抗病材料、感病材料及杂合抗病材料,是与番茄黄化曲叶病毒病(TYLCV)病抗病基因Ty-3紧密连锁的共显性标记;25份番茄高代自交系中,有4份材料基因型是Ty-3/Ty-3,有7份材料基因型是Ty-3/ty-3,14份材料不含抗病基因Ty-3;14份番茄杂交一代材料中,有4份材料基因型是Ty-3/Ty-3,5份材料基因型是Ty-3/ty-3,5份材料不含抗病基因Ty-3;田间试验表明,分子鉴定与田间发病鉴定的吻合度达78.6%以上;在抗番茄黄化曲叶病毒病育种中,可用PCR方法快速筛选亲本抗性材料,提高育种效率。
- Abstract:
- Taking 49 tomatos as materials,5 resistant homozygous lines (Ty-3/Ty-3)and 5 homozygous susceptible lines (ty-3/ty-3) were amplified by specific primers 25 generations self-lines and 14 F1 hybrids were amplified using this marker,at the same time these lines were well validated in the field by nature infection.The results showed that the resistant homozygous lines produced about 630 bp PCR fragment,the susceptible genotypes could produce fragment about 320 bp.This marker could distinguish resistant and susceptible lines,and it was a co-dominant marker tightly linked to Ty-3 gene.Among 25 generations self-lines,the genotype of 4 generations self-lines were Ty-3/Ty-3,7 were Ty-3/ty-3 and 14 were ty-3/ty-3.14 F1 hybrids were amplified by Ty-3 primer,the genotype of 4 F1 hybrids were Ty-3/Ty-3,5 were Ty-3/ty-3 and 5 F1 hybrids didn’t contain Ty-3 gene.These lines were well validated in the field by nature infection and the disease incidence was 78.6% coincident with the result of PCR method.In the TYLCV resistance breeding,PCR was a rapid screening method to improve breeding efficiency.
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