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Study on Water Consumption Regularity of ‘Jinguo’ Kiwifruit in Hills and Gentle Slopes


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Study on Water Consumption Regularity of ‘Jinguo’ Kiwifruit in Hills and Gentle Slopes
GAO Zhu12ZHANG Xiaoli2CHEN Lu2LU Yupeng1MAO Jipeng1WANG Xiaoling1
(1.Institute of Biological Resources,Jiangxi Academy of Sciences,Nanchang,Jiangxi 330096;2.Jinggangshan Institute of Biotechnology,Ji′an,Jiangxi 343016)
hills and gentle slopeskiwifruitwater consumption regularitywater production function
Five-year-old ‘Jinguo’ kiwifruit was used as test material.The soil moisture was measured by intelligent Insentek,and the correlation between orchard meteorology and phenological period was analyzed.The water production function was constructed to explore the water dynamic cycle and water consumption regulation of kiwifruit in different phenological periods in hilly and gentle slopes,in order to provide reference for accurate water-saving irrigation management in orchards.The results showed that the whole phenological period of ‘Jinguo’ kiwifruit was 211 days,and the precipitation in the test year was a high year.The fruit swelling period was the longest in the phenological period,and the precipitation reached 1 214.89 mm,and the effective precipitation accounted for 73.68% of the total.The soil water content of 10-30 cm in orchard changed greatly.The deeper the soil layer was,the higher the soil water content was.The soil water content in sunny day was higher than that in night,showing a ladder-like downward trend.The peak value of ET appeared in May during phenophase,and the daily water consumption reached 43.11 mm.The high level of daily water consumption continued to the late stage of fruit expansion,and the highest water requirement modulus was 0.74 during this period.The phenological period of reference crop evapotranspiration increased first and then decreased,and the peak appeared from July to August.The phenological period of crop coefficient decreased first and then increased,and the values were greater than 1.The goodness of the fitting equation between kiwifruit yield and water consumption was greater than the critical value,which could be used as a water production function,and the yield increases first and then decreases with the increase of water consumption.Kiwifruit has a long duration of fruit swelling period and a large amount of water consumption.Although the total precipitation accounts for a high proportion of annual rainfall,seasonal drought stress occurs,which is a key period for high-yield irrigation and replenishment of kiwifruit.


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Last Update: 2023-02-10