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Virus Detections and Fruit Quality Analysis on Micro-propagation Seedlings of Strawberry


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Virus Detections and Fruit Quality Analysis on Micro-propagation Seedlings of Strawberry
WANG JianhuiXU RuiGONG XiaoyuanLI XiangLIU DayuZHANG Yin
(School of Food and Biological Engineering,Chengdu University,Chengdu,Sichuan 610106)
Fragaria × ananassaStrawberry mild yellow edge virusreal-time quantitative PCRmeristem tissues culture
Taking two types of seedlings using large or small sizes explants by meristem tissues culture,obtaining regenerated plantlets were detected for Strawberry mild yellow edge virus.The virus-free mother plants and virus-undetermined control were propagated to produce daughter plants using stolon.Then virus incidences and fruit quality between two kinds of daughter plants were investigated,respectively,in order to provide reference for the virus-free seedlings application in future.The virus elimination studies would be useful for virus-free seedlings application in future.The results showed that virus concentration differences in plants were found between different cultivars,and virus coat protein expression was consistent with its transcription level.Meristem tissues using explant in size of 5 mm in stolon were induced to adventitious buds and then differentiated to in vitro plantlets at the first round of virus elimination.However,a few in vitro plantlets regenerated from explant in size of 5 mm were still infected by lower virus.In comparison,regeneration ratio at the second round of meristem tissues culture using explant in size of 0.5 mm was only 31%.Besides,all seedlings regenerated from the second of meristem culture were found virus free.Two types of daughter plants propagated using stolon from virus-free mother plants and virus-undetermined control were planted at an experimental plot,respectively.The SMYEV incidences were significantly different between two types of daughter plants.The titratable acidity was significantly lower in virus-free daughter plants than control.In conclusion,the virus-free mother plants were successfully produced by meristem tissues culture using explants in sized of 0.5 mm,which could benefit for strawberry propagation program in future.


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Last Update: 2023-02-08