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Effects of Cutting Styles on Quality and Microbial Indexes of Fresh-cut Cucumber


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Effects of Cutting Styles on Quality and Microbial Indexes of Fresh-cut Cucumber
WANG HaidanPU HongmeiFU JianYU LijuanLI XueruiJIN Pengcheng
(Institute of Agro-Products Processing Science and Technology,Yunnan Academy of Agricultural Sciences,Kunming,Yunnan 650221)
cucumbercutting stylesqualitymicrobial indexesfresh-cut
Taking fresh cucumber as test material,the cucumber was divided into cubes,segments and slices respectively,and stored at 4 ℃.The effects of different cutting styles on the physio-biochemical changes and microorganisms of fresh-cut cucumber during storage were studied,in order to provide reference for the processing,storage and preservation of fresh-cut cucumber.The results showed that the weight loss rate,membrane permeability,malondialdehyde content and microbial indexes (total plate count,E.coli and S.aureus quantity) of fresh-cut cucumber increased,soluble solids content and peroxidase activity decreased during storage.The soluble solids content,peroxidase activity decline rate and the weight loss rate,membrane permeability,malondialdehyde content and microbial indexes increase rate of the cucumber that cut into cubes were the highest.Compared with the cucumber that cut into segments,the soluble solids content,peroxidase activity decrease rate and weight loss rate,cmembrane permeability,malondialdehyde content and microbial increase rate of sliced cucumber were slower.Selecting the total plate count as evaluation index,the cucumber that cut into cubes and segments were unmarketable after 8 days of storage,and the sliced cucumber were almost unmarketable.In general,sliced cucumber was easier to store.


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Last Update: 2022-07-04