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Effects of Parent Selection and Crosses of Pyrus ussuriensis on the Early-bearing Ability of F1


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Effects of Parent Selection and Crosses of Pyrus ussuriensis on the Early-bearing Ability of F1
WANG QiangLU MingyanWU ChunhaoYAN XingkaiZHANG MaojunDING Lihua
(Pomology Research Institute,Jilin Academy of Agricultural Sciences/Scientific Observing and Experimental Station of Pomology (Jilin,Northeast Region),Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Affairs,Gongzhuling,Jilin 136100)
Pyrus ussuriensisparents selection and crosseshybrid progeniesearly-bearing
In order to investigate the effects of combinations of different pear varieties,their descendants and other cultivated varieties on the early fruiting of F1 generation,using 1 175 hybrid seedlings were obtained from 17 combinations of varieties which Pyrus ussuriensis varieties and their progenies as female parent,other varieties as male parent.The results showed that there were 15 combinations starting to bear fruit in 6-8 years,but two combinations (‘Hanxiangli’בJinxiangshui’,‘Dacili’בEli1hao’) did not blossom.Among the flowering combinations,there were differences with different maternal combinations.The flowering plant rate of the combination with ‘Dacili’ as the parent was the highest,which was 12.14%.‘Hanxiangli’ was the second (9.42%).‘Jinxiangshui’ was the lowest (6.43%).There were significant differences in the number of flowering plants in the off spring population in different combinations of maternal male parent and female parent,indicating that parental parent had a significant influenced on the age of bearing fruit in the hybrid population.It was a big difference in the age of the first fruit in F1 generation in the combination of Pyrus ussuriensis×other varieties,and the parent groups of Pyrus ussuriensis progeny had a lower flowering individual plant,such as the combination of Pyrus ussuriensis×Pyrus ussuriensis was 0.Therefore it can be seen that the seed sex of Pyrus ussuriensis has a great influence on the early and late fruit age of off spring.


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Last Update: 2021-05-10