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Effects of Diurnal Temperature on Growth,Photosynthesis and Fruit Quality of Seasonal Strawberry


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Effects of Diurnal Temperature on Growth,Photosynthesis and Fruit Quality of Seasonal Strawberry
ZHENG AiyingCHEN QingxiXIE QianYE Qinghua
(College of Horticulture,Fujian Agriculture and Forestry University,Fuzhou,Fujian 350007)
seasonal strawberrydiurnal temperaturegrowthphotosynthetic characteristicsquality
Four varieties of seasonal strawberry ‘Monterey’‘San.Andreas’‘Portola’‘Albion’ were used as test materials.The single-factor test method was adopted.Under the artificial climate chamber with relative humidity of 75% and light intensity of 480 μmol?m-2?s-1,the effects of diurnal temperature on the growth,photosynthesis of seasonal strawberry were studied,in order to understand the influence of diurnal temperature on the growth results of seasonal strawberry,and to grasp the suitable environmental temperature for the growth of seasonal strawberry.The results showed that the suitable diurnal temperature conditions for different varieties of strawberries and different growth stages in seasonal strawberry were different.In the vegetative growth stage,the diurnal temperature of 30 ℃/21 ℃ could significantly accelerate the growth of seasonal strawberry.Under this condition,the plant height and leaf area of ‘Monterey’ and ‘San Andreas’ were higher than those of the other two varieties.In the reproductive growth stage,the temperature was too high (30 ℃/21 ℃,33 ℃/24 ℃) flower bud differentiation was small,the fruit was small and deformed,and had no commercial value.The diurnal temperature was 25 ℃/16 ℃,the plant could maintain a high photosynthetic rate and accumulation of effective nutrients had the highest single fruit quality.Under this condition,the single fruit quality of ‘San Andreas’ reached 16.45 g,which was significantly higher than that of the ‘Portola’ variety (P<0.05).The effects of substances and titratable acids were not significant.


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Last Update: 2020-09-15