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Effects of Nitrogen Application Level on Soil Nitrogen Content and Pepper Growth in Micro-irrigation


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Effects of Nitrogen Application Level on Soil Nitrogen Content and Pepper Growth in Micro-irrigation
NIU ShuangSHEN LixiaSUN XuelanLIU RonghaoFAN YaoGUO Hanxiao
(College of Water Conservancy and Engineering,Taiyuan University of Technology,Taiyuan,Shanxi 030024)
nitrogen application levelammonium nitrogennitrate nitrogenplant heightyield
Pepper was used as test material,and different nitrogen application levels (0,500,1 000 mg ?L-1) and pressure head (1.5,2.0 m) were used as variables to study the changes of soil nitrogen content under different nitrogen application levels and the effects of nitrogen application levels on plant height and yield of pepper,so as to explore the reasonable and high-yield water and fertilizer management mode of greenhouse pepper under micro-irrigation condition.The results showed that under the condition of micro irrigation and fertilization,the ammonium nitrogen content in the soil decreased first and then increased during the growing period of pepper,while the nitrate nitrogen content increased first and then decreased,and the ammonium nitrogen and nitrate nitrogen content increased correspondingly with the increase of nitrogen application level.Applying nitrogen fertilizer during the growth of pepper could effectively promote the increase of plant height of pepper.Under the same pressure head,nitrogen application could promote plant growth,and plant height increases with the increase of nitrogen application level.Nitrogen application level had the most significant promotion effect on plant height under 2.0 m pressure head.Comparing the yield and irrigation water use efficiency of plants with different nitrogen application levels,it was found that T6 treatment (1 000 mg ?L-1 nitrogen application level,2.0 m pressure head) had the highest yield of pepper,and irrigation water could be utilized efficiently.


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Last Update: 2020-08-25